Hi Jeffrey,
I've ordered books etc over the net from them, no problem.  Just go onto the site.  Click on "In English"  then under Bókaflokkar, choose Íslenska, then choose íslenska fyrir útlendinga and there´s loads to choose from.  You will have to pay post & packing, but it is not too costly.  However, books themselves are much more pricey than in UK and certainly than in US!
Good luck!
----- Original Message -----
From: jeffrey leiser
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Iceland visitor needs help starting again

> Have a look at the site www.boksala.is  There is a
> whole section on tools for foreigners learning
> Icelandic including pronounciation tapes, exercise
> books etc.
> Good luck!
> Sarah.

  - Hi Sarah! I went to th website, but in english, I
only got information about the bookstore in Iceland.
It looks like I would have to go to Iceland to
purchase their products, or am I wrong?

Where is the section you speak of? Can you recommnend
audio tapes/books for me, please? Can any of those
products be ordered in America?

     Looking forward to hearing back from you!

      - Jeffrey

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