From: konrad_oddsson
Message: 4182
Date: 2004-02-15
> > And would the pagan Vikings have killed these Papars?Something about womanless men dressed in women's clothes...
> A difficult subject. In Íslendingabók Ari fróði says:
> "þeir fóru síðar á braut, af því at þeir
> vildu eigi vera hér við heiðna menn"
> Very innocent sounding words. "They went away because
> they didn't want to stay here among heathen people."
> They went away? Perhaps. But let's look at Ari's next words:
> "ok létu eftir bækur írskar, bjöllur og bagla.
> Af því mátti skilja, að þeir voru menn írskir."
> @: "And they left behind Irish books,
> bells and crosiers, from which could be
> gathered that they were Irish people."
> To me books sound like something too valuable
> and easily portable to be "left behind" just
> like that. Perhaps they had to leave in a hurry.
> Perhaps Ari is mistaken about this. Perhaps they
> were slaughtered to the last man.
> Kveðja,
> Haukur