Re: Hrafnkel 126 -151/Sarah

From: pdhanssen@...
Message: 3995
Date: 2004-01-08

Thanks, Sarah.

Good luck with your job search.
I hope something comes your way soon.
I am also out of work - a former Boeing engineer,
with a wife and a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old to support.

Here's a question to the whole group.
I found a copy of "Hrafnkels Saga Freysgóða" at a Half Price Books store in Tukwila, Washington.
Frank Stanton Cawley of Harvard University edited the text
and wrote the introduction and prepared the glossary.
It was published by Harvard University Press in 1932.
In the introduction,
he mentions a translation into an east Norwegian dialect ...

“Sagaen om Ravnkjell Frøisgode”,
omsatt fra gammalnorsk ta Helge Refsum,
Østaglett, V

Has anyone ever seen this?
I tried searching the internet using google
and the best I have I earned is that Østaglett
may have been a magazine.
Since Cawley's edition has a 1932 copyright,
this has to have appeared prior to 1932.

And here's another question.
In Grettir's Saga / Grettis Saga Ásmundarson ,
in chapter 15, there appears this proverb/málshætti :
"Only a slave takes revenge straight away,
but only a coward never does."
"Þræll einn þegar hefnist en argur aldrei."
Does this quotation appear in other sagas?

Thanks in advance / takk på forhånd.
Paul Hansen

Theis edition was edited with an introduction and glossary

In a message dated 12/27/2003 10:44:43 AM Eastern Standard Time, sarahbowen@... writes:

> At last, a bit of piece and quiet to look at Hrafnkel! I have a couple of queries... maybe someone could help me with these.
> 1/ l. 130 mundi mál heim - how do you translate "mál" or do
> you just leave it out?
> 2/ l.135 áðr viku - time expressions are invariably tricky
> because they tend to be quite idiosyncratic in each
> language. Is this "previous week" or "earlier in the
> week"?
> 3/ l.140 á mikilli rás - not sure I´ve got this quite right.. the
> notion of "hurrying" seems rather too human to be applied
> to an animal!! What do others think?
> Here goes...
> Hann spurði alla sauðarmenn at seljum,
> He asked all the shepherds at the shieling
> ef nskkur hefði sét þetta fé, ok kvazk engi sét hafa.
> whether someone had seen the animals, but no-one said they had.
> Einarr reið Freyfaxa allt frá eldingu ok til miðs aptans.
> Einar rode Freyfaxi right from dawn til mid-evening.
> Hestrinn bar hann skjótt yfir ok víða,
> The horse carried him quickly and far and wide,
> því at hestrinn var góðr af sér.
> because he was a willing horse.
> Einari kom þat í hug, at honum mundi mál heim
> It occurred to Einar that he should head home
> ok reka þat fyrst heim, sem heima var,
> but first round up the ones who were already at the shieling,
> þótt hann fyndi hitt eigi.
> even though he couldn´t find the others.
> Reið hann þá austr yfir hálsa í Hrafnkelsdal.
> Then he rode eastwards over the ridge in Hrafnkelsdale.
> En er hann kemr ofan at Grjótteigi,
> But when he came down towards Grotteigi,
> heyrir hann sauðarjarm fram með gilinu,
> he heard a bleating coming from the ravine
> þangat sem hann hafði fram riðit áðr.
> where he had ridden previously.
> Snýr hann þangat til ok sér renna í móti sér þrjá tigu ásauðar,
> He turned in that direction and saw 30 sheep running towards him,
> þat sama sem hann vantat hafði áðr viku,
> the same ones he had been missing earlier in the week,
> ok støkkði hann því heim með fénu.
> and he drove them home with the flock.
> Hestrinn var vátr allr af sveita, svá at draup ór hverju hári hans,
> The horse was all wet with sweat, so that he dripped from every hair,
> var mjsk leirstokkinn ok módr mjsk ákafliga.
> he was covered with mud and was exceptionally tired.
> Hann veltisk nskkurum tólf sinnum,
> He rolled over about a dozen times,
> ok eptir þat setr hann upp hnegg mikit.
> and after that he got up and neighed a lot.
> Siðan tekr hann á mikilli rás ofan eptir gstunum.
> Then he ran off in a great hurry down the paths.
> Einarr snýr eptir honum ok vill komask fyrir hestinn
> Einar turned towards him and tried to catch up with the horse
> ok vildi hsndla hann of foera hann aptr til hrossa,
> and wanted to catch him and bring him back to the mares,
> en hann var svá styggr, at Einarr komsk hvergi í nándir honum.
> but he was so shy that Einar didn´t get anywhere near him.
> Hestrinn hleypr ofan eptir dalnum ok nemr eigi stað,
> The horse ran back down the valley and didn´t stop
> fyrr en hann kemr á Aðalból.
> until he came to The Manor.
> Þá sat Hrafnkell yfir borðum.
> Hrafnkel was sitting at the table.
> Ok er hestrinn kemr fyrir dyrr, hneggjaði hann þá hátt.
> And when the horse came to the door, he neighed loudly.
> Hrafnkell mælti við eina konu, þá sem þjónaði fyrir borðinu,
> Hrafnkel said to a woman, who was serving them at the table,
> at hon skyldi fara til duranna, því at hross hneggjaði,
> that she should go to the door because a horse was neighing,
> -- ok þótti mér líkt vera gnegg Freyfaxa.
> and it seemed to me to be like Freyfaxi´s neigh.
> Hon gengr fram í dyrrnar ok sér Freyfaxa mjsk ókræsiligan.
> She went to the door and saw Freyfaxi was filthy dirty.
> Hon sagði Hrafnkeli,
> She said to Hrafnkel,
> at Freyfaxi var fyrir durum úti, mjsk óþokkuligr.
> that Freyfaxi was outside the door, very dirty.
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