From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 3812
Date: 2003-11-17
----- Original Message -----From: Laurel BradshawSent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 11:41 PMSubject: [norse_course] Hrafnkel 101-125 / Laurel'sEinarr kvað sér eigi mundu svá meingefit at ríða þeim hesti,Einarr - declared - himself - not - should - so - maliciously inclined - to - ride - this - horseEinar said that he would not be so ill-minded as to ride this horse,er honum var bannat, ef þó væri mõrg õnnur til.which - to him - was - forbidden - if - yet - were - many - others - towardswhich was forbidden to him, especially if there were many others to use.Einarr ferr nú heim eptir klæðum sínum ok flytr heim á Aðalból.Einarr - goes - now - home - after - clothing - his - and - removed - home - to - AðalbólEinar then went home to get his clothing and moved over to Adalbol.Síðan var frt (foert) í sel fram í Hrafnkelsdal,afterwards - was - brought - within - shieling - forward - in - HrafnkelsdalrAfter that (the sheep) were driven to a shieling in the upper part of Hrafnkel's Valley,þar sem heitir á Grjótteigsseli.where - was called - Grjótteigsselwhich was called the Grjotteig shieling.Einari ferr allvel at um sumarit,Einarr - goes - very well - concerning - during - the summerEinar fared very well at it during the summer,svá at aldri verðr sauðvant fram allt til miðsumars,so - that - never - happens - missing sheep - from - all the way - to - midsummerso that no sheep were lost in all the time up to midsummer,en þá var vant nær þremr tigum ásauðar eina nótt.but - then - was - lacking - nearly - three - of ten - of ewe - one nightbut then one night nearly thirty ewes were missing.Leitar Einarr um alla haga ok finnr eigi.seeks - Einarr - about - all - pastures - and - finds - notEinar searched all the pastures and found nothing.Honum var vant nær him - was - lack - nearly - a weekThey were missing for almost a week.Þat var einn morgin, at Einarr gekk út snimma,it - was - one - morning - that - Einarr - goes - out - earlyEinar went out early one morning,ok er þá létt af allri sunnanþokunni ok úrinu.and - is - then - lifted - off - all - the mist from the south - and - the drizzleand the mist from the south and the drizzle had all cleared.Hann tekr staf í hõnd sér, beizl ok þófa.he - takes - a staff - in - hand - his - a bridle - and - a saddle-padHe took a staff in his hand, a bridle and a saddle-cloth.Gengr hann þá fram yfir ána Grjótteigsá.goes - he - then - forward - over - the river - GrjótteigsáHe went across the river Grjotteigsa (Grjotteig River),Hon fell fyrir framan - flows - in front of - forward - the shielingwhich flowed down from the shieling.En þar á eyrunum lá fé þat, er heima hafði verit um kveldit.and - there - on - the gravel banks - lie - livestock - which - at home - had - been - during - the eveningThere, lying on the gravel banks, were the sheep that had been at home during the evening.Hann støkkði því heim at selinu,he - drove - it [the sheep, collectively] - home - to - the shielingHe drove them back to the shieling,en ferr at leita hins, er vant var áðr.and - went - to - seek - them - who - missing - were - earlierand went to look for the ones who were missing earlier.Hann sér nú stóðhrossin fram á eyrunumhe - sees - now - the stud horses - forward - on - the gravel banksThen he saw the horses ahead on the gravel banksok hugsar at hõndla sér hross nõkkurt til reiðar ok þóttisk vita,and - considers - to - seize - himself - a horse - certain/any - for - service - and - thinking - to knowand decided to catch one of the horses to use, believingat hann mundi fljótara yfir bera, ef hann riði heldr en gengi.that - he - would - more swiftly - over - to carry - if - he - rides - rather - than - walksthat he would make quicker progress if he rode rather than walked.Ok er hann kom til hrossanna, þá elti hann þau,and - when - he - comes - up to - the horses - then - chases - he - themSo when he reached the horses, he chased them,ok váru þau nú skjõrr, er aldri váru võn at ganga undan manni,and - were - these - now - shy - which - never - were - accustomed - to - going - away from - peoplebut these (horses), which never used to run away from people, were now skittish,nema Freyfaxi einn.except - Freyfaxi - aloneexcept for Freyfaxi alone.Hann var svá kyrr sem hann væri grafinn niðr.he - was - as - quiet - as if - he - were - rooted - downHe was as still as if he were rooted to the ground.Einarr veit, at líðr morgunninn, ok hyggr,Einarr - knows - that - passes - the morning - and - considersEinar knew that the morning was passing, and decidedat Hrafnkell mundi eigi vita, þótt hann riði hestinum.that - Hrafnkell - would - not - know - that - he - rides - the stallionthat Hrafnkel would never know that he rode the stallion.Nú tekr hann hestinn ok slær við beizli,now - takes - he - the stallion - and - forms - with - bridleSo he took the stallion and bridled him,lætr þófa á bak hestinum undir sik ok ríðr upp hjá Grjótárgili,places - saddlepad - on - back - the stallion - under - himself - and - rides - up - by - Grjótárgilplaced a saddlecloth under himself on the back of the stallion and rode up by Grjotargil (Rocky River Gorge?),svá upp til jõkla ok vestr með jõklunum,also - up - to - glaciers - and - west - along - the glaciersand up to the glaciers and west along the glaciers,þar sem Jõkulsá fellr undir þeim,there - where - Jõkulsá - flows - away from - themto where the Jokulsa (Glacier River) flows out from beneath them,svá ofan með ánni til Reykjasels.also - down - along - the river - to - Reykjaseland then down along the river to the Reykja shieling.
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