Hrafnkel 3 muddled by Grace

From: Fred & Grace Hatton
Message: 3726
Date: 2003-10-10

I had quite a bit of trouble with this section.

Bjarni hét maðr, er bjó at þeim bo, er at Laugarhúsum heitir.
A man called Bjarni who had a farm near them ?(I don’t get the
construction “þeim bo”), that was called Laugar Farm.

Þat er í Hrafnkelsdal.
It was in Hrafnkel’s dale.

Hann var kvángaðr ok átti tvá sonu við konu sinni,
He was married and had two sons with his wife,

ok hét annarr Sámr, en annarr Eyvindr, vænir menn ok efniligir.
And called one Sámr and the other Eyvindr, handsome men and promising.

Eyvindr var heima með feðr sínum,
Eyvindr was at home with his father,

en Sámr var kvángaðr ok bjó í norðanverðum dalnum á þeim bo,
but Sámr was married and had a farm in the northern valley

er heitir á Leikskálum, ok átti hann margt fé.
Which was called at the Play sheds (?), and had many livestock.

Sámr var uppivõzlumaðr mikill ok lõgkonn,
S. was a very, very pushy man and skilled in the law,

en Eyvindr gerðisk farmaðr ok fór útan til Nóregs ok var þar um vetrinn.
But E. became a sailor/trader and sailed out to Norway and was there for
the winter.

Þaðan fór hann ok út í lõnd ok nam staðar í Miklagarði
Thence he sailed abroad and stopped in Constantinople

ok fekk þar góðar virðingar af Grikkjakonungi ok var um hrið.
And became ? there(??? my guesss would be he served in the Varangian
guard, but I can’t make it say that any way whatsoever) and was there a

Hrafnkell átti þann grip í eigu sinni, er honum þótti betri en annarr.
H. had a valuable animal in his possession, that he thought better than
any other.

Þat var hestr brúnmóálóttr at lit, er hann kallaði Freyfaxa sinn.
That was the mouse-colored horse in the herd, that he called his Freyfaxa.

Hann gaf Frey, vin sínum, þann hest hálfan.
He gave Frey, his patron, half of the horse.

Á þessum hesti hafði hann svá mikla elsku, at hann strengði þess heit,
For this horse he had, he so much loved, that he made this vow,

at hann skyldi þeim manni at bana verða, sem honum riði án hans vilja.
That he would slay the man, who would ride on him.

Þorbjõrn hét maðr. Hann var bróðir Bjarna
Þorbjõrn was the man’s name. He was B’s brother

ok bjó á þeim bo í Hrafnkelsdal, er á Hóli hét, gegnt Aðalbóli fyrir austan.
And had a farm in Hrafnkel’s dale, that was called the Hillock, opposite
to the east of the Manor,

Þorbjõrn átti fé lítit, en ómegð mikla. Sonr hans hét Einarr, inn elzti.
Þorbjõrn had few animals, but many dependents. His son, the oldest, was
called Einarr,

Hann var mikill ok vel mannaðr. Þat var á einu vári,
He was big and well educated. It happened on spring,

at Þorbjõrn mælti til Einars, at hann mundi leita sér vistar nõkkurar,
that Þorbjõrn said to Einar, that he should seek for himself some

"því at ek þarf eigi meira forvirki en þetta lið orkar,
because I must no more labor but ??? people of strength??

er hér er, en þér mun verða gott til vista, því at þú ert mannaðr vel.
Who are here, but you will be good for employment because you are well

Eigi veldr ástleysi þessari brottkvaðning við þik,
This dismissal of you (sending you off to work) does not imply any lack
of affection (?)

því at þú ert mér þarfastr barna minna.
Because you are to me most valuable of my children.

Meira veldr því efnaleysi mitt ok fátokð.
More to choose ? lack of means with and poverty?

En õnnur bõrn mín gerask verkmenn.
Lest another of my children become a laborer.

Mun þér þó verða betra til vista en þeim."
?You must though better stay with them.”?


Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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