From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 3697
Date: 2003-09-30
> And to him he gave all the best valuables of his he had with him.Now I made that to be
> Because of that he lengthened his name and was called Frey’s chieftain,I had "lengt" as an adverb, making the sentence
> And did not make of him (self their) equal.fengu is 3rd person plural past indicative, referring to the plural noun in
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred & Grace Hatton" <hatton@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:27 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Hrafenkell 2
> I finally got the cut and paste thing to work. I could use some help
> with the last part about the path over the rough part of the valley.
> Hrafnkell lagði þat í vanða sinn at ríða yfir á heiðar á sumarit.
> Hrafnkell made a habit of it to ride over the heath in the summer.
> Þá var JQkulsdalr albyggðr upp at brúm.
> JQkulsdal was completely setteled up to the bridge then.
> Hrafnkell reið upp eptir Fljótsdalsheiði ok sá,
> Hrafnkell rode up behind Fljóts Valley Heath and saw
> hvar eyðidalr gekk af JQkulsdal.
> Where an unpopulated valley went out of JQkulsdal.
> Sá dalr sýndisk Hrafnkatli byggiligri en aðrir dalir,
> The valley appeared to H. more habitable (for them?) than another dale
> þeir sem hann hafði áðr sét.
> than he had seen before.
> En er Hrafnkell kom heim, beiddi hann fQður sinn fjárskiptis,
> When he had come home, he requested of his father a share of the property
> ok sagðisk hann bústað vilja reisa sér.
> and said he would raise his dwelling place (there).
> Þetta veitir faðir hans honum,
> His father granted this to him.
> ok hann gerir sér boe í dal þeim ok kallar á Aðalbóli.
> And he built himself a house in the valley and they called it “The Manor.”
> Hrafnkell fekk Oddbjargar SkjQldólfsdóttur ór Laxárdal.
> H. married Oddbjargar SkjQldólfs daughter from Laxár dale.
> Þau áttu tvá sonu.
> They had two sons.
> Hét inn ellri Þórir, en inn yngri ÁsbjQrn.
> The older one was called Thorir and the younger, Asbjorn.
> En þá er Hrafnkell hafði land numit á Aðalbóli,
> Then (when again?) H. took possession of the Manor,
> þá efldi hann blót mikil.
> He made a great sacrifice.
> Hrafnkell lét gera hof mikit.
> H. had a great temple built.
> Hrafnkell elskaði eigi annat goð meir en Frey,
> H. loved no other god more than Frey,
> ok honum gaf hann alla ina beztu gripi sína hálfa við sik.
> And to him he gave all the best valuables of his he had with him.
> Hrafnkell byggði allan dalinn ok gaf mQnnum land,
> H. settled all the valleys and gave men land,
> en vildi þó vera yfirmaðr þeira ok tók goðorð yfir þeim
> but wanted to be their chieftain and became chieftain over them.
> Við þetta var lengt nafn hans ok kallaðr Freysgoði,
> Because of that he lengthened his name and was called Frey’s chieftain,
> ok var ójafnaðarmaðr mikill, en menntr vel.
> and was a very unjust man, but well possessed of talents.
> Hann þrøngði undir sik JQkulsdalsmQnnum til þingmanna hans,
> He (op)pressed under him the men from JQkulsdal to (be) his liegemen,
> var linr ok blíðr við sína menn,
> was kindly and gracious with his men,
> en stríðr ok stirðlyndr við JQkulsdalsmenn,
> but severe and harsh with the men from JQkulsdal,
> ok fengu af honum engan jafnað.
> And did not make of him (self their) equal.
> Hrafnkell stóð mjQk í einvígjum ok boetti engan mann fé,
> H. stood (?) strong in single combat and made no compensation to any man,
> því at engi fekk af honum neinar boetr, hvat sem hann gerði.
> Because (I had problems here) no one received of him any compensation as
> what he made (?).
> Fljótsdalsheiðr er yfirferðarill, grýtt mjQk ok blaut,
> Fljóts valley heath is hard to cross, very stony and wet,
> en þó riðu þeir feðgar jafnan hvárir til annarra,
> but there they rode father and son always each to the other (together?)
> því at gott var í frændsemi þeira.
> because noble was kinship to them.
> Hallfreði þótti sú leið torsótt ok leitaði sér leiðar fyrir ofan fell þau,
> H. seemed to go with difficulty and appeared to be tired he fell over,
> (I clearly really messed this part up and would very much appreciate
> some help)
> er standa í Fljótsdalsheiði.
> He stood in Fljóts valley heath.
> Fekk hann þar þurrari leið ok lengri, ok heitir þar Hallfreðargata.
> He made there a?? dry path and long and it was called Hallfred’s ???
> Þessa leið fara þeir einir, er kunnugastir eru um Fljótsdalsheiði.
> This they had done themselves, but was known (?) around Fljóts valley
> Grace
> --
> Fred & Grace Hatton
> Hawley, Pa.
> A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
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