Re: Hrafnkel 19-45 / Simon attached

From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 3695
Date: 2003-09-30

Hi Simon!

I presume the bits you highlighted were the bits you had queries with? Well,
don't know if this will help, but here's how I analysed the grammar...

albyggðr upp at brúm. [sounds a bit Yorkshire to me!!]
albyggðr - adjective, masc, sing, nominative, strong
literally: all built; i.e. completely settled
upp at - prepositions
up to, as far as, up as far as
brúm - noun, fem, plur, dative, indefinite

sagðisk hann
sagðisk - verb, 3rd p. sing, past, -sk form, strong
not sure of the significance of the -sk

ok kallar á Aðalbóli
Jed´s your man for explaining this funny construction!

noun, neut, plur, acc, indefinite, strong
[you can tell it's plural because of the form of the adjective 'mikil'.]

hálfa við sik.
hálfa - adjective, masc, plur, acc, strong
við - prep
sik -reflexive pron, 3rd p. sing, acc
half with himself ... his half share??

Við þetta var lengt nafn hans ok kallaðr Freysgoði,
við - prep with
þetta - dem. pron., neut, sing, acc this
var - verb, 3rd p sing past indic was
lengt - adverb for a long time
nafn - noun neut, sing, nom, indef name
hans - p.pron, 3rd p.sing, masc, gen his
ok - conjunction and/also
kallaðr - adjective formed from the past participle of
kalla, masc, sing, nom, strong called
Freysgoði - proper noun, masc, sing, nom

as a result of this, he was also known as Frey´s chieftain for a long time

ok botti engan mann fé,
ok - conj and
boetti - verb, 3rd p. sing. past indic weak compensated
engan - indef pron, masc, sing, acc no/not any
mann - noun, masc, sing, acc, indef person
fé - noun, neut, sing, acc, indef cattle/money

and did not compensate anybody in money or kind

Þessa leið fara þeir einir, er kunnugastir eru um Fljótsdalsheiði.
þessa - dem pron, fem, sing nom this
leið - noun, fem, sing, nom, indef path
fara - verb, 3rd p plur, pres, indic travel
þeir - p pron, 3rd p plur, masc, nom they
einir - numeral, masc, plur, nom singly
er - rel pron who
kunnugastir - adj, masc, plur, nom, superl best versed
eru - verb, 3rd p plur pres indic are
um - prep about
Fljótsdalsheiði - p.noun, fem sing acc indef

Only those people who knew Fljotsdale heath really well would travel this
path alone.

Does any of this answer your queries (or have I gone off on a complete


----- Original Message -----
From: <simonfittonbrown@...>
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Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 12:21 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Hrafnkel 19-45 / Simon attached

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