Good evening all, (10.30 p.m. British Summer
Laurel has kindly posted a map and I have found
other maps of Iceland at the Tiscali website. The scales range from 1:
2000,000 up to 1:50,000, but they only show the locations of towns and
settlements; there are no topographical features.
If I had suitable maps and a scanner, I would
gladly put them on line, because they do provide an extra dimension to
history and legend. Tolkein's maps of Middle Earth are the classical
example of this.
I find it irritating to be in ignorance of the
location of the places in 'Hrafnkel', especially
those described in the journeys of Samr and
Hrafnkell, who go from one end of the country to the other in their riding
to the Thing (þingreiðr).
Can anyone help?