From: Thomas Lindblom
Message: 3505
Date: 2003-08-24
LaurelI think your suggestion of holding back our translations until a specified time, and your proposed schedule is excellent. It offers certainty, and most people, including myself, detest uncertainty. I look forward to taking part.I also like your other suggestion that anyone who wants to do more should work on a different text. If anyone is game for this, might I suggest Egils Saga. Of the sagas I have read in English so far, this is my favourite. I have it downloaded from the Nothvegr site. If anyone has problems in downloading, I can send them the relevant texts. However, If anyone prefers a different text, I'll go along with that.We could either post it through the norse-course@... site or if this clutters things up, by personal e-mail. My e-mail address is gerald.mcharg@... openworld.comCheersJed
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