----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 11:14
Subject: [norse_course] Jed Bothvarr
lines 129-156
Hello Sarah,
Nice to be back in action again. I too, suffer from the
heat but after living for 37 years in the East Midlands, I've moved back home
to Cumberland. The sea breezes don't half make a difference in keeping
the temperature down. Lovely. When I first left home, I thought I'd miss
the hills and the sea, but it was the rain I pined for.
Anyhow, on with the translation. Rather a free one in
Konungr horfði á dýrit ok mælti síðan, 'Enga sé ek fór á
dýrinu, en hverr vill nú taka kaup einn
King turned to beast-the and said later,
'No-one see I go to beast-the, but who wants now to-take wage a
The king looked at the beast and then said, 'I
see no one going near the beast, but who now wants to earn his
ok ganga í móti því? Böðvarr mælti. 'Ðat væri næsta hrausts
manns forvitnisbót.
and to-go in meeting with-that?' Bothvar
said, 'That would-be very of brave man's curiosity-cure.
and encounter it?' Bothvar said, 'That would
certainly satisfy a brave man's curiosity.
Höttr félagi, rektu nú af þér illmælit þat at menn láta, sem
engi krellr né dugr muni í þér vera
Hott comrade. drive you now from yourself
slander that upon (you) men put, that no spirit nor doughtiness will
in you to-be.
Hott my friend, this is the time to rid
yourself of the slander that men have laid on you, that there is no spirit or hardihood in you.
Far nú ok drep þú dýrit. Máttu sjá at engi er allfúss til
Go now and kill you beast-the. Can you to-see
that none is all-eager for (this) of others.'
Go now and kill the beast. You can see that
none of the others are over-eager for this.'
'Ja', sagði Höttr, ' ek mun til þessa ráðask'. Konungr
mælti, ' Ekki veit ek hvaðan þessi hreysti er
'Yes', said Hot, 'I will to this
to-undertake.' King said,' not know I from-where this courage is
'Yes', said Hott, 'I will do this'. The king
said, 'I do not know from where you get this courage
at þér komin, Höttr, ok mikit hefir um þik skipask á skammri
stundu.' Höttr mælti, 'Gef mér
that to-you come, Hott, and much has about you
changed in short time.' Hott said, 'Give to-me
Hott, and you have changes a lot in a short
time.' Hott said, 'Give me
til sverðit Gullinhjalta, er þú heldr á, ok skal ek þá fella
dýrit eða fá bana'.
for (this purpose)
sword-the Gullinhjalt, which you hold at (your
side) and shall I then to-kill beast-the or to-take
the sword Gullinhjalt which you hold by
your side and then I shall kill the beast or die myself.'
Hrólf konungr mælti, 'Ðetta sverð er ekki beranda nema þeim
manni sem bæði er góðr drengr ok hraustr'.
Hrolf king said, ' this sword is not bearing
except by-those men who both is good warrior and brave.'
King Hrolf said, This sword is not to be
wielded except by those men who are both good warriors and
Hóttr sagði, 'Svá skaltu til ætla at mér sé svá
Hott said,' So shall you to (with regard to
this?) consider that to-me it-be so disposed
Hott said, ' And so regarding this, you
shall consider me to be thus inclined.'
Konungr mælti, 'Hvat má
vita, nema fleira hafi skipzk um hagi þína en
sjá þykkir?'
King said, 'What can (one) to-know, except
more has changed about condition your than to-see one-seems?'
The king said, 'What can be
understood other than more has changed in your character than one would
have thought to see?'
En fæstir menn þykkjask þik kenna, at þú sér inn sami maðr.
But firm men think you to-know, that you are
the same man.'
But steadfast men consider that they know you,
that you are the same man.'
Nú tak við sverðinu ok njót manna bezt, ef þetta er til
Now take with sword-the and use of men best,
if this is to (you?) granted.'
Now take up the sword and use it as a champion
if the opportunity comes'
Síðan gengr Höttr at dyrínu alldjarfliga ok høggr til þess,
þá er hann kømr í höggfri, ok dýrit fellr niðr dautt.
After-that goes Hott at beast-the
all-bold-like and strikes to that, when he comes in striking-distance, and
beast-the falls down dead.
Then Hott went very boldly against the beast
and struck at it when he came within striking distance.
and the beast fell down dead.
Böðvarr mælti, ' Sjaið nú, herra, hvat hann hefir
til unnit.'
Bothvar said, ' See now, lord, what he has
to (grammatical
Bothvarr said, 'See now lord, what he has
Konungr segir, 'Vist hefir hann mikit skipazk,
en ekki hefir Höttr einn dýrit drepit; heldr hefir þú þat gört.'
King says, ' Certainly has he much changed,
but not has Hott alone beast-the killed; rather have you that
The king said, ' Indeed he has changed but
Hott has not killed the beast alone; rather, you have done that.'
Böðvarr segir, 'Vera má at svá sé.' Konungr segir, 'Vissa
ek, þá er þú komt hér, at fáir mundu
Bothvarr says, 'To-be can that so
may-be' King says, 'Knew I, when you came here, that few
Bothvarr said, 'It may be so that this can
be.' The king said, 'I knew when you came here, that few would
þínir jafningjar vera, en þat þykki mér þó þitt verk
frægiligast, at þú hefir gört hér annan kappa þar er
your equals to-be, but that it-seems to-me
your deed most-credit-worthy, that you have made here another champion who
be equal to you, but it seems to me that this
is your most notable achievement, that you have created a second champion here
and that
Höttr er, ok óvanligr þótti til mikillar giptu. Ok nú vil ek
at hann heiti eigi Höttr lengr
is Hott, and unlikely it-was-thought of great
good-luck. And now wish I that he is-called not Hott longer
is Hott, and it seemed like unexpected good
luck.(?) And now I wish that he is no longer called Hott
ok skal hann heita Hjalti upp frá þessu; skaltu heita eptir
sverðinu Gullinhjalta.'
and shall he be-called Hilt up from this;
shall-you be-call after sword-the Goldenhilt.'
and he shall be called Hilt from now on; you
shall be named after the sword Goldenhilt.'
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