From: sjuler
Message: 3320
Date: 2003-06-23
--- In, Daniel Bray <dbray@...> wrote:
> Heill Simon,
> Well, the piece you´re reading is wrong. Amláib is not Norse, but
an Old
> Irish approximation of the Norse name Óláfr. In Modern Irish it
would be
> spelled Amhláibh, and a very crude rendering into English
> would be "Owlahv".
> Kveðja,
> Dan
> simonfittonbrown@... wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Apparently this is another name for Óláfr inn hvíti.
> > According to the piece I'm reading, it says it's Norse, but it
> > look very Norse to me, and would seem to be completely devoid of
> > meaning in Old Norse.
> > Or is it?
> > All the best,
> > Simon
> --
> Daniel Bray
> dbray@...
> School of Studies in Religion A20
> University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
> "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and
catastrophe." H. G. Wells (1866 - 1946)