From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 3270
Date: 2003-06-15
----- Original Message -----From: Gerald MchargSent: Friday, June 13, 2003 9:23 PMSubject: [norse_course] From Jed - Boðbarr, lines 71 - 99Hello SaraI too, think Laurel's idea of doing a literal translation first is excellent and I shall follow her example. I also thought Simon's idea of doing the translations in coloured fonts a good one,and I also will do that from now on.I have lost, or couldn't find, any directions from you as to how many lines we should translate this time. Anyhow, I've done lines 72 - 99. Would you let me know if more are needed?Cheers,Jed.Bóðvarr gengr nú til þess rúms sem honum likaði, en ekki vill hann þat skipa sem hafði áðr.Bothvarr goes now to this space which him pleased, but not wants he that to occupy which he had beforeBothvarr then went to a seat which suited him, for he would not sit in the one he had before.Hann kippir upp í einhverjum stað þremmr mönnum, ok síðan settusk þeir Höttr þar níðr ok innar í höllinni en þeim var skipat.He jerks up in certain place three men, and after seated themselves they Hott there down and inner in hall the than to them was assigned.He yanked three men out of one place, and then he and Hott sat down further inside the hall than (the place) assigned to them.Heldr þótti mönnum ódælt við Böðvar, ok er þeim hinn mesti íhugi at honum.Rather seemed to men overbearing with Bothvarr, and is from them most resentment to him.Men thought this was rather high-handed of Bothvar, and there was a great deal of resentment against him.Ok sem leið at jólum, gørðusk menn ókatir. Böðvarr spyrr Hött hverju þetta sætti;and as passed to Yule, became men gloomy. Bothvar asks Hott to what this amounts toAnd when it came to Yule-time, men became despondent. Bothvar asked Hott what this signified;hann segir honum at dýr eitt hafi þar komit tvá vetr í samt, mikit ok ógurligt -he tells him that beast a has there come two winters together, big and terrifyinghe told him a beast had come there for two winters in succession. It was large and terrifying -'ok hefir vængi á bakinu ok flýgr þat jafnan. Tvau haust hefir þat nú hingat vitjat ok gört mikinn skaða.'and has wings on back and flies that always. Two autumns has that now to-here visited and made big harm.'and it has wings in its back and it flies all the time. For two seasons it has come here and it has done a great deal of harm.Á þat bíta ekki vápn, enn kappar konungs koma ekki heim, þeir sem at eru einna mestir.'At that bites no weapon, but champions of king come not home, they as at ('fighting'?) are of ones best.'No weapon can pierce it, and what's more, the king's champions don't come back, those who are the greatest ones at (fighting)'.Böðvarr mælti 'Ekki er höllin svá vel skipuð sem ek ætlaða, ef eitt dýr skal hér eyða ríki ok fé konungsins.'Bothvar said,' Not is hall the so well arranged as I thought, if one beast shall here waste land and cattle of kingBothvar said, 'The hall is not as well defended as I thought, if one creature can devastate the land and cattle of the king in this place.'Höttr sagði, 'Þat er ekki dýr, heldr er þat hit mesta tröll.'Hott said, ' That is not beast, rather is that the greatest troll.'Hott said, ' That isn't a beast, on the contrary, that one is the greatest troll there is.'Nú kømr jóla-aptann. Þá maelti konungr, 'Nú vil ek at menn sé kyrrir ok hljóðir í nótt,Now comes Yule-evening. Then spoke king, 'Now wish I that men be still and quiet tonight,Now, the evening of Yule approched. The king then said,' Now I want men to be quiet and still tonight,ok banna ek öllum mínum mönnum at ganga í nökkurn háska við dýrit, en fé ferr eptir þvísem auðnar; menna mína vil ek ekki missa.'and forbid I to all my men to go into any danger with beast the, but cattle fare according to this as fate decides; men my will I not lose.'and I forbid all my men to walk into any danger against the beast, but the cattle will fare according to fortune; I will not lose my men.'Allir heita hér góðu um, at gøra eptir því sem konungr bauð.All promise here gods by, to act according to that as king commanded.All of them there swore by the gods to do as the king bidBoðvarr leyndisk í brott um nóttina; hann lætr Höttr fara með sér, ok gørir hann þat nauðugrBothvarr stole away through night; he let Hott to go with himself, and did he that reluctantBothvar stole away during the night; he made Hott go with him, but he did that unwillinglyok kallaði sér stýrt til bana. Böðvarr segir at betr mundi til takask. Þeir ganga í brótt frá höllinni,and called himself steered to death. Bothvar says that better will to turn out. They go awayfrom hall the,and said he was on the way to death. Bothvar said it would turn out for the best. They left the hallok verðr Böðvarr at bera hann, svá er hann hræddr.and is obliged Bothvar to carry him, so is he frightened.and Bothvar was obliged to carry him because he was so frightenedNú sjá þeir dýrit, ok því næst pir Höttr slíkt sem hann má ok kvað dýrit mundu gleypa hannNow see they beast the, and with that next cries Hott such as he is able and said beast would to swallow himNow they saw the beast and the next thing Hott yelled our as loud as he could and said that the animal would swallow him.Böðvarr bað bikkjuna hans þegja ok kastar honum níðr í mosann, ok þá liggr hannBothvar bade bitch his to be silent and throws him down in moss, and then lies heBothvarr told him, the son of a bitch, to be quiet and threw him down in the moss, and then he layok eigi með öllu óhræddr.and not with all unafraid.not altogether without fear.
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