From: Terje Ellefsen
Message: 3168
Date: 2003-06-05
>"Jag hoppas att du blir mina flickven"I think "mina" should be "min" and "flickven" "flickvän".
>From: "Douglas" <doug.k@...>_________________________________________________________________
>Subject: [norse_course] Swedish??
>Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 13:11:39 -0300
>Hi Everyone!
>My name's Douglas "Hárfagri", and I've been on the stand by in this list
>for a while, although always reading the stuff that helped me grow in my
>norse linguistics studies...
>Knowing this, a friend of mine handled me a sentence and she asked me two
>1) What language is this?
>2) What does it mean?
>She said she got it on the internet, I don't know how. Well, here's it:
>"Jag hoppas att du blir mina flickven"
>That "Jag" made me think it can be Swedish, which I don't know very well,
>meaning "I". I denied other languages such as Icelandic or Danish for the
>respective forms are "Ég" and "Jeg", if I'm not wrong.
>That "att" can be a preposition, and "du" is "you".
>"Mina" regards very much similance to the Icelandic form of the possessive
>of the first person singular.
>So, could any of you help me translate this sentence?
>Viele danke!
>Douglas Hárfagri
>A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
>To escape from this funny farm try rattling off an e-mail to:
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