bodhvarr translated

From: Thomas Lindblom
Message: 3139
Date: 2003-05-25

Heil Sarah,


I.... have…now translated the latest Bothvarr …text.


Here is the Old Norse version of the text:


ðvarr meets King Hrólfr


Kømr nú þessi fregn fyrir Hrólf konung ok kappa hans upp í kastalann, at maðr mikilúðligr sé kominn til hallarinnar ok hafi drepit einn hirðmann hans, ok vildu þeir láta drepa manninn.  Hrólfr konungr spurðisk eptir, hvárt hirðmaðrinn hefði verit saklauss drepinn.  “Því var næsta”, sơgðu þeir.  Kómusk þá fyrir Hrólf konung ơll sannindi hér um.  Hrólfr konungr sagði þat skyldu fjarri, at drepa skyldi manninn – “hafi þit hér illan vanda upp tekit, at berja saklausa menn beinum; er mér í því óvirðing, en yðr stór skơmm, at gøra slíkt.  Hefi ek jafnan roett um þetta áðr, ok hafi þit at þessu engan gaum gefit, ok hygg ek at þessi maðr muni ekki allítill fyrir sér, er þér hafið nú á leitat; ok kallið hann til mín, svá at ek viti hverr hann er.”


Bơðvarr gengr fyrir konung ok kveðr hann kurteisliga.  Konungr spyrr hann at nafni.  “Hattargriða kalla mik hirðmenn yðar, en Bơðvarr heiti ek.”  Konungr mælti, “Hverjar boetr viltu bjóða mér fyrir hirðmann minn?”  Bơðvarr segir, “Til þess gørði hann, sem hann fekk.”  Konungr mælti, “Viltu vera minn maðr ok skipa rúm hans?”  Bơðvarr segir, “Ekki neita ek at vera yðarr maðr, ok munu vit ekki skiljask svá búit, vit Hơttr, ok dveljask nær þér báðir, heldr en þessi hefir setit; elligar vit fơrum brott báðir.”  Konungr mælti, “Eigi sé ek at honum soemd, en ek spara ekki mat við hann.”


 And here is my translated version which isn´t directly translated in all places:


Now the news reached king Hrólf that an imposing man had came to the hall and that he had killed one of the kings retainers and now they wanted to kill the man.

The king asked them whether the retainer had done anything to deserve his death ”very close” they said.

They told the king how this had happened.

When whole the truth had been revealed to the king he told them not to kill the man.-you  have taken up a bad habit here, to strike innocent men with bones that´s a great disgrace for me and a shame for you,I have told you about this before many times but you haven´t paid any attention and I think that this man you´ve just attacked is not a coward,and call him to me so that I can find out who he is.

Boðvarr goes before the king and greets him gracefully.The king asks about his name.”Yor men are calling me Hattargriða but my name is Boðvarr”.The king said “what will you offer as compensation for my retainer”

Boðvarr says”He deserved it”. The king says ”Do you want to serve me and take his place? Boðvarr says

“I do not refuse to be your man but I don´t want to be separated from Höttr and I will serve you better than the man who just died did, otherwise we will both leave”. The king said”I don´t see any honour in him but I don´t save food with him(??)


As you can see is the last words of the last sentence  underlined simply because I couldn´t understand it.



See ya



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