Jed - Boðvarr - 2nd instalment

From: Gerald Mcharg
Message: 3133
Date: 2003-05-22

I translated the first paragraph and thought I had put it in the Outbox, so I could complete it and send the whole lot to you. But I actually sent the first part by mistake (mine or the computer's). Oh dear, constant apologising is a bit wearing, but I've only got myself to blame.
Anyhow, here's the full version:
Kømr nú þessi fregn fyrir Hrólf konung ok kappa hans upp í kastalann,
News of this now came to King Hrolf and his champions up in the castle,
at maðr mikilúðligr sé kominn til hallarinnar ok hafi drepit einn hirðmann hans,
that a man of imposing appearance had come to the hall and killed one of his retainers,
ok vildu þeir láta drepa manninn. Hrólf konungr spurðisk eptir,
and they wanted to have the man killed.  Kinf Hrolf enquired about this,
hvárt hirðmaðrinn hefði verit saklauss drepinn. 'Ðví var næsta' sogðu þeir.
had the retainer who was killed, been guiltless? 'It was very close to this' they said
Kómusk þá  fyrir Hrólf konung öll sannindi hér um. Hrólf konungr sagði þat skyldu fjarri, at drepa skyldi mannin -
Then all the truth concerning this came before the king. King Hrolf said that they should be far from this, that the man should be killed -
'Hafi þit hér illan vanda upp tekit, at berja saklausa menn beinum; er mér í því óvirðing,
You two have taken up a bad practice, to strike innocent men with bones; there is disgrace for me in this,
en yðr stórr skömm, at gøra slíkt. Hefi ek jafnan rœtt um þetta aðr,
and great shame on you, to do such a thing. I have always spoken about this before,
ok hafi þit at þessu engan gaum gefit, ok hygg ek at þessi maðr muni ekki alllítill fyrir sér,
and you have given no heed to this, and I think that this man will not be a weakling
er þér hafið nú á leitat; ok kallið hann til mín svá at ek viti hverr hann er.'
who you have attacked; and now call him to me so that I may know who he is'.
Böðvarr gengr fyrir konung ok kveð hann kurteisliga.  Konung spyrr hann at nafni.
Bothvarr went before the king and greeted him courteously. The king asked him his name.
'Hattargriða kalla mik hirðmenn yðar, en Böðvarr heiti ek.'  Konungr mælti,
'Hott's Protector your retainers call me, but my name is Bothvarr.' The king said.
'Hverjar bœtr viltu bjóða mér fyrir hirðmann minn?' Boðvarr segir, 'Til þess gørði hann, sem hann fekk.'
'What recompense will you offer me for my retainer?'  Bothvar said, ' He deserved what he got.'
Konungr mælti, 'Viltu vera minn maðr ok skipa rúm hans?'  Boðvarr segir,
The king said, ' Will you be my man and take his place?'  Bothvar said,
'Ekki neita ek at vera ýðar maðr, ok munu vit ekki skiljask svá búit, vit Höttr,
'I do no not refuse to be your man, but as things are, we will not be parted, Hott and I,
ok dveljask nær þér báðir, heldr en þessi hefir setit; elligar vit förum brott baðir.'
and will stay nearer to you more than this one was placed, otherwise we both go away.'                            
Konungr mælti, ''Eigi sé ek at honum sœmd, en ek spara ekki mat við hann,'
The king said, 'I see no honour in him, but I will not grudge him food.'

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