Re: Bodvar meets King Hrolf

From: xigung
Message: 3127
Date: 2003-05-21

Hi Sarah !
--- In, Sarah Bowen wrote:
> Hello!
> Here are the next couple of paragraphs.
> Enjoy!
> Sarah.

This is what I received :

Bøðvarr meets King HrólfrKømr nú þessi fregn fyrir Hrólf konung ok
kappa hans upp í kastalann,
at maðr mikilúðligr sé kominn til hallarinnar ok hafi drepit einn
hirðmann hans, ok vildu þeir láta
drepa manninn. Hrólfr konungr spurðisk eptir, hvárt hirðmaðrinn
hefði verit saklauss drepinn. "Því
var næsta", ek spara ekki mat við hann." ¤

P r i n t - R e v e r s e H e a d e r $ %d -D "MÆ
ÿ ÿ% OÆ ÿ
5 CJ n þO " n R e p l y / F o r w a r d
H e a d e r s $ %d -D

+ lots of illegible characters.
It would be an advantage for those who do not have the latest
version of Microsoft Word, if you sent the file as *.RTF file
instead of as *.doc file. Then your file becomes available to
a much wider group of users. (or include in e-mail as a "paste"-
job, the simplest solution)
I did find a book with Danish translation. Maybe
it will turn out to be helpful. I reproduce it below,
together with Byock's translation.

Best regards

Kong Rolf krakes Saga, pp. 64-65
"Kjære Bøddelil! nu bliver en stor Knokkel dreven paa
dig, og den er vist bestemt til vor Ødelæggelse." Bød=
var bød ham være taus, og han sætter nu sin hule Haand
imod, og fatter saaledes Knokkelen, hvormed ogsaa
fulgte et heelt Laarbeen; han sendte derpaa Knokkelen
tilbage, rettede den paa den, som kastede, og gav ham
den lige foran med saadant Eftertryk, at han fik sin Ba=
ne. Derved kom en stor Forskrækkelse over Hofsinderne,
og Rygtet bragte til Kong Rolf og hans Kæmper oppe i
Kastellet, at en Mand, som saae ud til noget Over=
ordentligt, var kommen i Hallen, og havde dræbt een
af hans Hofsinder, og at de ønskede at dræbe ham igjen.
Kongen spurgte, om Hofsinden var dræbt sagløs. "Ja
saa godt som," svarede de, men hele Sandheden kom
dog nu for Dagen. Kong Rolf sagde, at det skulde væ=
re langt fra, at man skulde dræbe Manden. "I have
da her," "siger han, optaget eders onde Uvæsen, at
slaae sagløse Folk med Been, som er mig en Vanære, og
gjør eder stor Skam. Jeg har jevnligen talt om dette
tilforn, men I have ingen Agt givet paa mine Ord; og
jeg troer, at det maa ikke være nogen ubetydelig Karl,
som I nu have angrebet, kalder ham derfor hid til
mig, at jeg kan faae at vide, hvo han er!" Bødvar
gik nu for Kongen, og hilste med megen Anstand paa
ham; Kongen spurgte ham om Navn: "Høtts Værge kal=
de eders Hofsinder mig," sagde han, "men jeg hedder
ellers Bødvar." Kongen spurgte: "Hvilke Bøder vil
du byde mig for min Hofsinde?" "Han ligger paa sine
Gjerninger," svarede Bødvar. Kongen spurgte: "Vil
du blive min Mand, og besætte hans Plads?" Bødvar
svarede: "Det siger jeg ikke nei til, at være eders Mand;
men jeg vil derfor paa ingen Viis skilles fra Høtt, men
vil, at vi begge sidde nærmere hos dig, end denne sad;
i andet Fald drage vi begge bort." Kongen sagde: "Skjønt
jeg i ham ingen Hæder seer for mig, saa vil jeg dog ikke
spare Mad for ham." Bødvar gik nu til den Plads,
som ham behagede, men han vilde ikke sidde paa den,
som hin havde beklædt; han rykkede op etsteds trende
Mænd, og han og Høtt toge der Sæde, og det var læn=
ger inde i Hallen, end Sæde var dem anviist. Rolfs
Mænd tænkte nu, at Bødvar vilde blive dem haard at
faae Bugt med, og de vare yderligen forbittrede paa ham.

From Jesse Byock: "The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki."
Then Hott said to Bodvar, 'Kind sir, here comes a large knuckle
bone, which is intended to do us much harm.'
Bodvar told Hott to be quiet. He cupped his hand and caught the
knuckle bone, which included the attached leg bone. Bodvar threw
the knuckle back, and it smashed with such force into the man who
had thrown it that he was killed.(55) The king's men were struck with
King Hrolf and his champions up in the fortress were now told that
an imposing man had arrived in the hall and had killed one of the
retainers. The other retainers wanted to have the man put to death.
The king asked whether his follower had been killed without cause.
'Almost,' they said.
Then the full truth came out. King Hrolf said that by no means
should this man be killed: 'It is a bad habit you have adopted,
throwing bones at innocent men. It brings dishonour to me and shame
to you. I have repeatedly spoken to you about this matter, but you
have paid no attention. I suspect that this man, whom you have now
attacked, is no weakling. Summon him to me, so that I can find out
who he is.'
Bodvar went before the king and greeted him artfully. The king
asked for his name.
'Your retainers call me Hott's protector, but my name is Bodvar.'
The king said, 'What compensation are you prepared to offer me
for my man?'
Bodvar replied, 'He got what he deserved.'
The king said, 'Do you want to be my man and occupy his place?'
Bodvar answered, 'I will not refuse to become your man, but Hott
and I will not, as matters stand, be separated. We will both sit
closer to
you on the benches than that man did, or else we both leave.'
The king said, 'I see no honour in him, but I will not begrudge him
Bodvar now chose a seat that pleased him, not bothering to sit in
the place the other man had occupied. At one point he pulled three
men up out of their seats, and then he and Hott sat down in their
places. They had now moved much farther into the hall than earlier.
Men thought Bodvar difficult to deal with, and there was strong
resentment against him.

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