From: Haukur Thorgeirsson
Message: 3104
Date: 2003-05-09
> My son wants me to carve this in runes on a rock: Take care of the oak,
> and live under its cloak, from Egil's Saga 68 in the Penguin Classic
> English edition. I have found what I think is the right section of text in
> Old Norse (online) 69 kafli "að þá verður eik að fága, er undir skal
> búa." Now the question is 1. is this correct? and 2. Would anyone care to
> write this in runes for me and email it as a jpeg? I'm only up to Old
> Norse lesson 3 so this is way out of my league.
> Thanks!
> Grace
> Fred and Grace Hatton
> Hawley, PA
> hatton@...