From: Laurel Bradshaw
Message: 3087
Date: 2003-05-01
----- Original Message -----From: Gerald MchargSent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 6:07 PMSubject: [norse_course] From Jed re Old Norse charactersXigungThanks for the advice. I typed in Alt 0254 as you suggested and sure enough, it came up with 'þ'. So far, by trial and error, I have got these others and have developed a stiff neck in the process! You say that these characters are to be found in the extended Windows font. I haven't got this, or if I have, I don't know where to find it. Remember, you are dealing with someone whose technical skills are at the palaeolithic stage.Could I beg further advice from you?Cheers,Jedá = Alt 0225æ = " 0230í = " 0237ó = " 0243ö = " 0246ø = " 0248ú = " 0250ý = " 0253ð = " 0240Á = " 0193Æ = " 0198Í = " 0205Ó = " 0211Ö = " 0214Ø = " 0216Ú = " 0218Ð = " 0208Þ = " 0222Ý = " 0221