From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 3084
Date: 2003-04-29
þinnar skjaldborgar = f. s. Gen., of your shieldwall. Why genitive? This makes an awkward literal translation. Could we say "with" instead of "of?"
----- Original Message -----From: Laurel BradshawSent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 7:29 PMSubject: Re: [norse_course] Bodvar Bjarki lines 8-20Hi. Some tough bits here! I still haven't studied verbs at all, although it's fairly easy to identify the dictionary form at least. I will just list the vocabulary I have questions about, or want verified.
8. Bơðvarr gengr þangat til ok spyrr hverr þar væri í beinahrúgunni.
gengr = from ganga. Gordon has "ganga til" as "go (up) to, go forward." Is gengr present tense?
spyrr = from spyrja, to ask. Present tense again?
vaeri = pa. subj. of vera, to be
beinahrúgunni = f.s.Dat. + def. art. (with í)
BQðvarr-goes-thither-to-and-asks-who-there-might be-in-the pile of bones
Bodvar went over there up to (it) (or just Bodvar went over there) and asked who was there in the pile of bones.
9. Þá var honum svarat ok heldr óframliga: Hơttr heiti ek, bokki sæll.
var = from vera, past tense?
honum = m. s. Dat., to him
svarat = n.s. Acc. of svar + def. art., the answer
heiti = from heita, be called, be named
bokki saell = Gordon has "good sir". saell = fortunate or happy. bokki = buck or fellow. We have the word buck in English, which means something like "a virile young man." Then there is the slang term "bucko", which is a little more "in your face." I need some further context here. Is HQttr being deferential or disrespectful? "heldr óframliga" and Gordon's translation might suggest deferential, BUT.....BQðvarr's reaction suggests it is more "in your face" so that's how I'm going to take it. BQðvarr does seem to be "strutting his stuff" a bit. Also I think there is deliberate contrast here between BQðvarr's "fortunate" circumstances, and HQttr's miserable state which doesn't translate very well.
Then - was - to him - the answer - and - rather - timidly - HQttr - am called - I - bucko - lucky
Then he got his answer, rather timidly : "I am called Hood, dear bucko."
10. "Hví ertu hér, segir Bơðvarr, eða hvat gørir þú?
segir = from segja, present tense
eða = and, or, but
gørir = from gøra, to make, build, do
Why - are you - here - says - BQðvarr - and - what - are doing - you
"Why are you here," said Bodvar, "and what are you doing?"
11. Hơttr segir, Ek gøri mér skjaldborg, bokki sæll.
mér = 1 s. Dat., to me, or perhaps for me/myself in this case
skjaldborg = shieldwall. I don't have any problem using this term. I know what a shieldwall is, and the imagery is rather hilarious. But an alternative translation might be simply "barricade."
HQttr - says - I - am making/building - (for) me - a shieldwall - bucko - lucky
Hood said, "I am building myself a barricade, dear bucko."
12. Bơðvarr sagði, Vesall ertu þinnar skjaldborgar!
sagði = pa. t. of segja
vesall = wretched, miserable (an exclamation of impatience according to Gordon)
þinnar skjaldborgar = f. s. Gen., of your shieldwall. Why genitive? This makes an awkward literal translation. Could we say "with" instead of "of?"
BQðvarr - said - miserable - are you - (with) your shieldwall
Bodvar said, "You and your miserable shieldwall!"
13. Bơðvarr þrífr til hans ok hnykkir honum upp ór beinahrúgunni.
þrífr til = to lay hold (of)
hans = m.s. Gen., of him
hnykkir = from hnykkja, to pull violently
BQðvarr - lays hold - of him - and - pulls violently - him - up - out of - the pile of bones
Bodvar grabbed him and yanked him up out of the pile of bones.
14. Hơttr kvað þá hátt við ok mælti, Nú viltu mér bana!
kvað = from kveða, to say, declare
hátt = n. from hár (as adv.), loudly
við = in reply
maelti = from maela, to speak, declare
viltu = from vilja + tu, to will, wish
HQttr - shouted - then - loudly - and - saying - now - you wish - me - to kill
Hood then shouted loudly, declaring, "Now you wish to kill me!
15. Gør eigi þetta, svá sem ek hefi nú vel um buizk áðr,
svá sem = now that
hefi = from hafa
um búisk = from búa, to prepare. With "um" = to arrange, set up. sk = reflexive ending?
Do - not - this - now - that - I - have - now - well - set up - before
Don't do this, when I have just now set up (things) so well,
16. en þú hefir nú rótat í sundr skjaldborg minni,
rótat = from róta, to throw into disorder, upset
í sundr = asunder
but - you - have - now - thrown - asunder - shieldwall - mine
but you have now broken apart my barricade,
17. ok hafða ek nú svá gơrt hana háva útan at mér,
hafða = from hafa, past tense
gQrt = from gøra
háva = is this a typo for "hára", high???
útan = from without
at = towards/against
útan at = maybe "around"??
and - had - I - now - so/thus - built - it - high - around - me
and I had built it high around me just so,
18a. at hon hefir hlíft mér við ơllum hơggum ykkar,
at = conj. "so that"
hlíft = from hlífa, to shelter, protect
ykkar = dual form. I don't understand this. He's talking to BQðvarr, and there's only one of him!
so that - it - has - protected - me - against - all - blows - of you two
so that it has protected me from all your blows,
18b. svá at engi hơgg hafa komit á mik lengi,
svá at = so that
komit = from koma. With á = impers., comes upon
so - that - no - blow - has - come - upon - me - a long time
(and) so that no blow has landed on me for a long time,
19. en ekki var hon enn svá búin sem ek ætlaða hon skyldi verða.
aetlaða = from aetla, to think, consider, expect, intend
skyldi = from skulu, shall, must, ought
verða = to happen, take place
but - nothing - was - it - moreover - as - prepared - as - I - intended - it - should - become
but even so it wasn't as prepared as I intended it would become.
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