I thought you might be interested to see what the
professionals make of this text. The first is by Jesse Byock and the
second by Gwyn Jones.
Bodvar continued on his way to Hleidargard.
After arriving at the king´s royal residence, he immediately stabled his horse
in the stall with the king´s best mounts without asking anyone´s
permission. Then he entered the hall, where there were only a few
men. He sat down near the entrance, and after he had been there for a
short time, he heard a noise coming from somewhere in the corner. Bodvar
looked in that direction and saw a man´s hand emerging from a huge pile of bones
lying there. The hand was very black.
Later Bothvar went on his way to Leire and arrived
at the king´s residence. He stabled his horse alongside the best of the
king´s horses, asking leave of no one, and afterwards walked into the
hall. There were few men there. He took a seat near the door, and
when he had been there a short while he heard a kind of scrabbling away out in
some corner or other. Bothvar looked that way and saw how a man´s hand
came up out of a huge pile of bones which lay there. The hand was very
Interesting to see how the professionals do it and
how even they come up with slightly different versions, depending on how close
to the original text they stayed or how fluid a piece of English they wanted to
achieve without compromising the meaning.
Any comments?
Bye for now,