Boðvarr translation 1-8.

From: Laurel Bradshaw
Message: 2967
Date: 2003-04-12

Thanks, Sarah.  I'm not quite at the translation stage yet.  I've only practised doing nouns, pronouns, and adjectives in the Barnes.  So, I am picking out those items, seeing if I can identify the root or dictionary listing of the word, and then what part of speech, etc. it might be.  I'm guessing at the verbs.  So here is what I have so far:

1.  Síðan fór Bơðvarr leið sína til Hleiðargarðs.

Boðvarr = masc. name, subject

leið=noun, fem. sing., nom. acc. or dat.=way, journey

        okay, ruling out nom. here and can't see why it would be dat., so acc.

sína=pron., masc. refl.. gen.=his

Hleiðargarðs=place name, masc. sing. gen. of Hleiðargarðr (with til=prep. w. gen.)

Afterwards - went - Boðvarr - way - his - to - Hleiðargarðr

Afterwards Boðvarr went his (own) way to Hleiðargarðr.

    or went on his journey?, or maybe, continued his journey?


2. Hann kømr til konungs atsetu. 

Hann=pron. masc. sing. nom.=he

konungs=noun, masc. sing. gen. of konungr=king's

atsetu=noun, fem. sing. (gen.?) of atseta=residence (with til=prep. w. gen.) 

He - came - to - king's - residence

He came to a king's residence.


3a. Bơðvarr leiðir síðan hest sinn á stall hjá konungs hestum hinum beztum ok spyrr engan at,

Boðvarr (as above)

hest=noun, masc. sing. acc. of hestr=horse

sinn=pron. refl. masc. poss.=his

stall=noun, masc. sing. dat.? (with á=prep. w. dat.)=stall

konungs (as above)=king's

hestum=noun, masc. plur. dat. of hestr (with hjá=prep. w. dat.)=horses

hinum=pron. dat.=that


spyrr engan at=asks no one about it, asks leave of none (from Gordon's glossary under spyrja)

Boðvarr - to lead (don't know tense here) - afterwards - horse - his - into - stall - beside - king's - horses - that - best - and - asks - none - (about it?)

Boðvarr then leads his horse into a stall beside that king's best horses and asks no one for permission,


3b. gekk síðan inn í hơllina, ok var þar fátt manna.

[gekk, from ganga, no idea of tense again]

inn í=into

hollina=noun + def. art., fem. sing. (dat. ?) (with í=prep. w. dat.)= the hall

fátt=noun of fár=a few

manna=noun, masc. plur. gen. of maðr= of men

he goes - afterwards - into - the hall - and - were - there - a few - of men

then he went  into the hall, and there were a few men there.


4a. Hann sezk útarliga, ok sem hann hefir verit þar lítla hríð, hann (as above)

útarliga=far out (from Gordon: setjask ú.=sit near the door


hefir verit= (guessing) from hafa and vera? = had been?


lítla=adj. fem. sing. acc.=little

hríð=fem. sing. acc.=while

he - sat himself - far out - and - when - he - (had been?) - there - little - while

He sat himself by the door, and when he had been there a little while,

    I don't know why this needs to be "by the door." (according to Gordon's glossary).  I would rather say something like "he sat himself at a distance (i.e. from the men)


4b. heyrir hann þrausk nơkkut útar í hornit í einhverjum stað. 

heyrir=(guessing) to hear

þrausk=noun, neut. sing. acc.?= a rummaging

nokkut=as adv.?=somewhat

útar=farther out

hornit=noun + def. art., neut. sing. acc. from horn=the corner (with í=prep. w. acc.)

einhverjum=adj. and pron., dat. from einhverr=a certain (with í=prep. w. dat.)

stað=noun, masc. sing. dat.?= place

he - heard - a rummaging - somewhat - farther out - in - a corner - in - a certain - place

he heard a rummaging noise somewhat farther out in a certain place in a corner.

    or, in a particular corner?


5a. Bơðvarr lítr þangat ok sér at mannshơnd kømr upp ór mikilli beinahrúgu,

Boðvarr (as above)


mannshond=noun, fem.=a man's hand

mikilli=adj., fem. sing. dat.?

beinahrúgu=noun, fem. sing. dat? (with ór=prep. w. dat.)

Boðvarr - looked - thither - and - saw - (at=rel. that?) - a man's hand - was coming? - up - out of - large - heap of bones

Boðvarr looked over there and saw that a man's hand was coming up out of a large heap of bones.

    or refuse pile?, heap of garbage?


5b. er þar lá, hơndin var svơrt mjơk.

er=rel. = which?

lá= from liggja=to lie

hondin=noun + def. art., fem. sing.= the hand

svort=adj., from svartr=black

mjok=adv.=much, very

which - there - lay - the hand - was - black - very

which lay there, the hand was very black.


To recap and rephrase into "normal" English (sorry this is so long...):

Then Boðvarr continued his journey to Hleiðargarðr.  He came to a king's residence.  Boðvarr then led his horse into a stall beside that king's best horses, asking no one for permission, then he went into the hall, where there were a few men.  He seated himself at a distance, and when he had been there a little while, he heard a rummaging noise somewhat more distant in a particular corner.  Boðvarr looked over there and saw that a man's hand was coming up out of a large heap of garbage (lit. bones) which lay there, the hand was very black.


That was fun!  How did I do?




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