Re: Mini-Lesson Text

From: Lewis, Raymond J.
Message: 2966
Date: 2003-04-12

Attachments :
I want to thank Teja Johnson-Lewis for her interpretation of my, so-called,

-----Original Message-----
From: Teja Johnson-Lewis
Sent: 4/10/2003 5:57 PM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Poem and Story

"Lewis, Raymond J." <lewisrj@...> wrote:

> Falla Allir
> líf kømr eigi langr mönnum er vilja lifa
> né slíkr maðr svangr vita verðr spakr
> fáir eru er sjá finna meðan falla allir

life comes not long to men who want to live
nor such a one hungry to know becomes wise
few they are that see find while all fall.

Teja: Oh, Oh, Oh! I get this! It's just like what my brother and I hear
in Sunday school. It means that,

"Men who wish to live don't, men who wish to know all, don't either,
observant people are still blind and in the end, everyone dies."

Get it now? Good! (record-breaking moment: the 12-year-old gets
something before anyone else, WOW

Your online ditz,

This is exactly what I was trying to convey! When I was twelve, my parents
rightfully questioned whether I was perhaps still-born. My guess is that
people don't make that mistake about you. Good work!

Now, I'll be posting my ending to the story within Haukur's mini-lesson
(it's as a html attachment below). Read it if you like.

Raymond Jess Lewis

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