From: Arlie Stephens
Message: 2918
Date: 2003-04-03
On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 07:28:01PM -0500, Lewis, Raymond J. wrote:
> Here are two homespun exercises that correspond with lessons 6 and 7. I've
> attached them as HTML documents. This has two advantages:
> 1) One can easily include all the unusual characters required, and
> 2) You can open them right up in your browser - right now - with no
> worry about any special programs, fonts, etc. I welcome suggestions of
> what may be a more convenient arrangement.
> For those interested in this capability, I have included another attachment
> explaining (I HOPE) how one goes about creating their own Old Norse
> documents with HTML. IF you're presently feeling a twinge of insecurity -
> don't sweat it - it's much easier than one might imagine.
Thank you for posting these.
> Since all things come in pairs in this world of duality, the objective is
> twofold as well:
> 1) It may provide others at my level with something to read, and
It's nice to see something I can basically read, rather than slowly
translate. Well, except for your word order; in trying to be as far from
English as possible, I think you've come up with fairly awkward Icelandic.
> 2) It may provide others with something to critique.
> With this in mind, I would like to encourage our more advanced members (as
> well as any one) to give these rather meager efforts a hearty critique. The
> critique should prove to be very illuminating to us beginners because the
> mistakes that I'm making should be echoed in many other's thinking on the
> subject. Keep in mind the 40 odd nouns and 40 odd verbs, etc. presently at
> my disposal. I have attempted to stray as far away from English sentence
> structure as possible while keeping the finite verb within its acceptable
> boundaries (I THINK). This, as it seems to me, is an important aspect of
> the work open to critique.
I'm hoping someone more advanced than I takes you up on this request.
I can see things that look wrong to me, from minor stiltedness to some cases
where I can't figure out what you meant to say. But I'm not sure how much
of this is due to your errors, and how much due to my own inexperience.
> Finally, I don't want to be the only jackass in the stable, if you get my
> meaning. Therefore, I fully expect to see other postings, of a similar
> nature, from other people, in a similar position, at other times (that is to
> say - soon) or I'll come looking for you (for what that's worth).
(Arlie Stephens arlie@...)