From: Jens Persson
Message: 2857
Date: 2003-03-27
> A little note on swedish/norwegian relations:bokmål.
> I guess you all know we have two norwegian languages: nynorsk and
> People have been fighting over these languages ever since the1800s, and
> even though they are supposed to be equal, schools in Oslo aren'trequired
> to teach nynorsk. (Oslo houses the greatest resistance againstnynorsk,
> since the ruling class traditionally lived there, and wroteare
> danish.)Everywhere else, we learn both bokmål and nynorsk, and we
> allowed to write either one of these, as well as using dialect.Anyway,
> having introduced the situation, I must mention a problem norwegianthere's
> schoolchildren (and students as well) are having: for some reason,
> always someone who's mixing nynorsk with swedish! This is quitenormal
> actually, and most people are dead sure what they have written isnynorsk
> until the teacher shows them otherwise. I don't know if this helpedanybody
> in any way, but I thought I had to mention it.