From: Alfta
Message: 2690
Date: 2003-02-15
ok i found
another book in my office. It is "An
Introduction to
old norse" by E.V.Gordon. Is this a
book i should
Heill Gary,
I hope you don’t mind me offering some advice from my own experiences in learning Old Norse. Unless you have previous language training I would be willing to bet that Gordon’s book is going to be difficult to begin with. Gordon’s book was my first attempt at learning and I got no where with it because I did have the kind of training that this book is geared toward in teaching. What really got me jump-started and well on my was Haukur’s lessons on the companion web site to this list. I would strongly suggest you start there.
After you have completed those then I would suggest getting the Viking Society’s 3 book series, “A New Introduction to Old Norse.” Those books have been invaluable to me in my studies. I would keep Gordon’s book for later when you have a little more experience in Old Norse. The 3 books from the Viking Society are:
1: Grammar
Book 2: Reader
Book 3: Glossary and Index Of Names
You can get them through Amazon.UK
I hope that is helpful,