

I have a word or probably a phrase, if I am correct, that is giving me problems translating.


Áslaug svaraði: "Mörg langskip máttu þér hafa gera látit með verði þessa knarra.


The word specifically is látit that I am having problems with and I suspect that hafa gera látit may be a phrase of some kind that has an understood meaning instead of a direct translation.  Is this the case?  Is látit the neuter acc. of lát with def. art.?  My attempt at translation this is:


Aslaug answered: “Many a longship you can there “have given the loss??” (and) by means of  turn away these ships.  


While I am asking, verði – 3rd person pres. pl. subj. of verða? To be honest the whole sentence is difficult. Am I any where close?


- Alfta

Northvegr: The Northern Way
