From: Pelle Erobreren
Message: 2457
Date: 2002-12-11
>From: simonfittonbrown@..._________________________________________________________________
>Subject: Re: [norse_course] Week 5
>Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 12:29:47 EST
>Many thanks for a very interesting exercise!
>1. ��essir broe��r gengu um kaupsta��inn jafnan ok vildu kaupa s��r
>broe��r: noun, masculine, plural, nominative
>gengu: verb, 3rd person, plural, past tense, indicative, active voice
>jafnan: adverb
>kaupa: verb, infinitive, active voice
>2. ��ar k��mr mest fj��lmenni hingat �� Nor��rl��nd
>k��mr: vb, 3rd ps. sing. pres.
>mest: adj., ntr. sing.nom.
>Nor��rl��nd: ntr. noun, pl. acc.
>3. ��orbj��rn var au��igr ma��r ok var ���� gamall, er ��etta var
>var: vb, 3rd ps. sing. preterite
>au��igr: adj., masc. sing. nom.
>ma��r: masc. noun, sing. nom.
>gamall: adj., masc. sing. nom.
>t����enda: ntr. noun, pl. gen.
>4. gifti ��ar ��l��fu d��ttur ��orsteins rau��s
>gifti: vb, 3rd ps. sing. preterite
>��l��fu: fem. noun, sing. acc.
>d��ttur: fem. noun, sing. acc.
>��orsteins: masc. noun, sing. gen.
>rau��s: adj. masc. sing. gen. (strong decl)
>5. ��ar sat ma��r fyrir ok fagna��i ��eim vel ok spur��i hvat ��eir vildi
>sat: vb, 3rd ps. sing. preterite
>ma��r: masc. noun, sing. nom.
>fagna��i: vb, 3rd ps. sing. preterite
>spur��i: vb, 3rd ps. sing. preterite
>vildi: vb, 3rd ps. sing. preterite SUBJUNCTIVE - which explains the I
>kaupa:. vb, inf.
>Question: Why do we have vildu kaupa in sentence 1 but vildi kaupa in
>sentence 5?
>A man is named Eyvindr - he lived in Norway. His brother was called
>The brothers were both big and strong.
>Ma��ur er nefndur Eyvindr - hann bj�� �� N��regi. Br����ir hans h��t
>Gunnarr. Br��
>��rnir v��ru b����ir miklir ok sterkir.
>In a message dated 05/12/02 10:10:03 Pacific Standard Time,
>haukurth@... writes:
> > Heil!
> >
> > I've been frantically trying to finish some school
> > projects whose deadlines converged on a single week.
> > Consequently I've been neglecting you lot. I hope this
> > won't happen again.
> >
> > It was my intention this week to take a break from
> > reading texts and do some grammar exercises. Since
> > I'm only creating the page now, giving you just a
> > couple of days or so to do it I decided to keep it
> > short.
> >
> > I see Alfta has caught up with the group - a good thing :-)
> >
> >
> >
> > I'll now go trying to go over some of your translations
> > for last week.
> >
> > Kve��ja,
> > Haukur
> >