From: fjornir
Message: 2447
Date: 2002-12-08
> I hope to have week 4 ready to send in tomorrow.If I'm not mistaken you did :-)
> Also I was wondering if you could talk a little aboutOkay. Let's take an example:
> the notations in Zoëga such as "e-t" or "e-m."
> Þorlákr beiddi Þránd eftir skiptit at hann mundiWell. Word for word:
> hafa heimabólit,
> Thorlakr asked Thrand after(?) dividing between
> him should have (the) homestead,
> en hann lausafé meira,In this case 'hann' is nominative; "he".
> and him chattels more,
> en Þrándr vildi þat eigi.Correct.
> but Thrand wanted that not.
> Fór Þorlákr þá í burt ok fekk sér annan bústaðAlmost :-) The 'eyjunum' is plural.
> þar í eyjunum.
> Fared Thorlakr then away and got another dwelling
> there on the island.
> Þrándr seldi á leigu landit í Götu mörgum mönnum okCorrect.
> tók leigu sem mesta,
> Thrand lent with rent the land in Gate to many men and
> took rent (?) the greatest,
> ******Could you talk a little about "sem" here. I could not figureThe idiom 'sem mestr' usually means "as much as possible"
> it out.
> en hann réðsk til skips um sumarit ok hafði lítinn kaupeyriMiddle voice! :-) He didn't "rule" the ship he
> But he ran the ship himself during summer but had little goods
> ******Is "during" a correct translation for "um"?Yes.
> ok fór til Noregs ok hafði boejarsetu um vetrinnCorrect.
> and came to Norway and had dwelling during the winter
> ok þótti jafnan myrkr í skapi.Correct.
> and seemed generally dark in mood.
> Þá réð fyrir Noregi Haraldr gráfeldr.Correct. In this case 'réð' is in active voice.
> Then ruled over Norway Haraldr Gray-Cloak.
> Um sumarit eftir fór Þrándr með byrðingsmönnum suðr til DanmerkrUm sumarit eftir = "(During) the next summer..."
> During summer (?) went Thrandr with merchant men south to Denmark
> ******Eftir is one that continues to give me problems. How is itIn this case I guess it would be an adverb;
> translated and what tense and part of speech is it exactly?
> ok kom á Haleyri um sumarit.Correct.
> and came to Haleyri during summer.
> Þar var þá fjölmenni sem mest,Correct.
> There was then a crowd (?) great,
> ok svo er sagt,Correct.
> and so is said,
> at þar kømr mest fjölmenni hingat á NorðurlöndAlmost. "So is said that there comes the greatest
> meðan stendr markaðrinn.
> of there comes great a crowd of the Northland
> while stands the market.
> Þá réð fyrir Danmörk Haraldr konungr GormssonCorrect.
> er kallaðr var blátönn.
> Then ruled over Denmark Harald King Gormsson
> (who was?) called blue-tooth.
> Haraldr konungr var á Haleyri um sumarit ok fjölmenniCorrect. (The nominative should probably be 'Haleyrr'.)
> mikit með hánum.
> Harald King was at Haleyri during summer and a crowd
> great with him.