Maður er nefndur Grímur kamban; hann byggði fyrstur manna Færeyjar. En á dögum Haralds hins hárfagra flýðu fyrir hans ofríki[[overbearing/tyranny]] fjöldi manna; settust sumir í Færeyjum og byggðu þar, en sumir leituðu til annarra eyðilanda.
Auður hin djúpauðga fór til Íslands og kom við Færeyjar og gifti þar Ólöfu dóttur Þorsteins rauðs, og er þaðan kominn hinn mesti kynþáttur Færeyinga, er þeir kalla Götuskeggja, er byggðu í Austurey.
A man is called Grim the Hunchback; he was the first man to settle in the Faroe Islands. In the days of Harald of the Lovely Hair, a large number of men fled from his tyranny; some settled in the Faroes and built homesteads there, but others went on to look for other unhabited areas.
Auður the Deeply Wealthy went to Iceland and then came to the Faroes Islands, and there gave Ólöf, daughter of Þorstein the Red, in marriage. From this marriage stemmed the greatest of all the Faroese family groups, known as the Streetbeards, who settled in the Eastern Island.
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