From: Haukur Thorgeirsson
Message: 2102
Date: 2002-09-05
> I had someone contact me with an interesting problem and questionEvil eaters of words! Orðjötnar!
> concerning Old Norse that I would like to get the advice of the list on.
> This person had a web site called Braveheart. The Hollywood suits (read
> evil corporate types) have made a bit of a problem for this person due
> to their ownership of trademarks or some such thing to the Mel Gibson
> movie Braveheart.
> She asked if there was an Old Norse equivalent forTo begin with I would check whether or not _the concept itself_
> Braveheart that she could name her web site.
> Zoëga gives:The compound word is correctly formed (compare with, for example, "drengmaðr").
> hugprúðr, a. stout-hearted, noble.
> hugrakkr, a. stout-hearted.
> drengr is given as a bold, valiant man.
> hjarta is heart
> I recall a while back, Haukur's (I think) guidelines for compound words
> which gave that the first word should be in the accus. singular, gen.
> singular or gen. plural, so would "drenghjarta" be a close approximation
> and would that be grammatically correct?
> Also the first two are adjectives.Yes, there are rules. But no simple catch-'em-all solution.
> Are there are any rules for converting adjectives into names?