From: Payrga Laanka
Message: 1689
Date: 2002-01-22
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 2:51 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Digest Number 279
Sumir hafa kvæði...
...aðrir spakmæli.
- Keth
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There is 1 message in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Sound Files (was: Re: more on "silent R")
From: "fjornir" <falconsword@...>
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 21:43:10 -0000
From: "fjornir" <falconsword@...>
Subject: Sound Files (was: Re: more on "silent R")
>Pardon, But you mentioned that the Reader
>on that site was deficient in /r/ and /R/
>differentiation. Your reading contains only
>one instance of the inflected -r- following
>a consonant.
Sorry. I didn't mean to get annoyed.
So you want to hear 'R'? I don't know
how to pronounce it - but I'm willing
to try, perforce of course.
I chose the Gallehus inscription -
a sentence from about 400 A.D.
It has both an 'r' and an 'R'.
>Glad to be of some use as entertainment:)
>I also have a series of stupid puns based
>on in a Norse of a different colour..Anyway:)
Yeah... I read your poem :)
Enter the Beatles:
"And Henry the horse would of
course dance the waltz!"
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