Sounds like a version of Thorsson's Nine Noble Virtues to me.

Here's my try using modern Icelandic usage and comparing against ON:

Prowess = Hreysti (valor/prowess/boldness/skill in battle/comflict)

Justice = Frið (in the context of justice 'for peace'), réttur ('right' as
in righteous)

Loyalty = Trygð or Frið (depending)

Defense = Verja (to defend), Vernd (defense)

Courage = Kjarkr

Faith = Trú

Humility = [auðmýkt hugarfarsins] - supposition (doesn't sound like a
primary 'ideal' in that culture. It's a phrase than a word for word
translation.'Auðmýkt' alone isn't enough.)

Largesse = Örlátr

Nobility = Aðall

Franchise = [Einkaréttr] - supposition

----- Original Message -----
From: "hrothvar" <bigdawg@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 10:35 AM
Subject: [norse_course] A translation needed

> Greetings unto this list, from a sometime student, sometime lurker.
> I was requested to get the following words tranlated, and I have had
> absolutely no luck.
> They are: prowess justice loyalty defense
> courage faith humility largesse
> nobility franchise
> I thank you.
> Hrólfr
> Sumir hafa kvæði...
> ...aðrir spakmæli.
> - Keth
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