Hi, Keth!

I presume you meant this letter for another list:)
Not that I mind - but I think you may have slightly
misunderstood my (not very clear) letter.

> Wir haben früher mal den Verfasser "Thorsson" discutiert,
> und die Qualitaet seines Arbeits ueber den alten und den neuen
> Sprachen des Nordens.

No doubt you have. However, my comment did not apply
to his work on the Norse tongue in general (with which
I am not familiar) but the pronunciation guide at
the back of one of his books. It is in that guide
that he mixes Old and Modern Icelandic (as well as the
"Unsinn"). This may or may not be characteristic of his

Kann man da in Bagenkop baden?


der Isländer