Týframra sé-ek tiva trygglaust of far þriggja á hrein-gero
hlýri hildar-véss ok þiaza.
journey see I gods hapless of journey three, on polished- cheek
painted shield and Thiazzi
I see the hapless journey of the three gods and Thiazzi painted on
the polished cheek of the shield.
----Does anyone have an idea what Týframra means?-----
fram = forward framan - from the front
Or hrein-gero ?
far - journey
tryggr = w/o apprehension, safe. laust = w/o. Conjoined. lit. w/o
safe, hapless
hlýr, n. cheek
hildar, gen. f. battle (poet) vekja hildi, to wage war, to fight
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