it is true that in
> English the combination "spoken excercises" would work.
> But I am less sure if it would work in Old Norse.
> My guess is that in ON you would use the infinitive of
> the verb and then combine your two elements into ONE
> word, thus: "talaæfingar". Or maybe even "töluæfingar"?
> Or how about "málæfingar"? It is really very difficult to
> decide without the help of a very comprehensive dictionary.
> (which I don't have with me now)
> Here is my suggestion:
> "Meir um málæfingar"
Heill Keþ!
I agree with you on this.
speaking exercises would be conjoined.
máli means to speak a language
máli við e-n, to speak to
mælast fyrir, to speak
Meirr would be comparative while vel would be more
Messed up on vel which means well, it was from memory.
Meir um málæfingar
I would prefer tala
tala means to talk, to speak.
talaðr, spoken, speaking, talaðr vel, a good speaker.
siðan töluðu þeir leyniliga ráðagörð sina
after that they talked over their plans by themselves.
Meir um töluðræfingar
Is there an umlaut here æ as in u.