>just checking to see which are the most recent files we students
>should be using. The Homepage( which I think looks great, by the way)
>does not have lesson 6, while the file on the list section does.
>I usually use the home page but wonder if this is correct. I don't
>mind checking both locations as long as the lesson I print out is the
>same on both. PLease let me know

The homepage is supposed to contain the most updated files but
lesson 6 is only available in the files section - so if you want it you
will have to get it there:)

The problem is, as you have noticed, that we are rewriting the course
and have dropped the old thread. The reason for doing this was that
experience showed that some things had to be introduced earlier.
I hope you'll bear with us - we think the new line will be considerably
clearer and easier to learn by.

Chapter 2 is quite close to completion, it will hopefully be ready before
the weekend.

I promise we won't start over again:)
