Hello Haukur,
I am a bit uncertain if you want my files or not.
I offered the files in the hope they would be useful.
Yesterday I also wrote that you were wellcome to
put the files I made on your own web page. In particular,
I am thinking about Krákumál files, in both the Finnur
and Kock versions, for which html versions will be
forthcoming soon. But also the first page of the Zoëga
dictionary is an obvious candidate. In fact, I think
the best solution would be if the whole dictionary
that is now slowly being built, is placed on the
norse_course home page. After all, this is where the
experise is, and this is the list from which the
volunteers are drafted. What could be more natural
than having the efforts of this group go into building
its own home site into a high quality ON-language
web site?

I thus removed the files from the folder, until
I am notified whether you think the files will be of some
use to you.