> Ready to go.
> -Svanni

I think the most important thing now
is for you to provide a sample of how
you want us to type this in. What format
are we to use? Maybe if you typed in the
first page the way you want it to look:)


All right I have an example up of how I would like to see the format.
Bascially it's the same as the dictionary except for two points. 1. One
column instead of two 2. one line between entries.

You can see what I mean at

The top portion is the OCR text which doesn't look good at all and has many
many mistakes.
The middle portion is the gif file
The bottom portion is the text as I typed it into an .RTF document. .RTF is
usually the best for most platforms and I can also convert .RTF easily to
just about any other format. I may have someone who has scanning software
that can scan Icelandic characters and if so that would save us much much
time but I am not sure he can do it or not. If he can't I still think that
typing would be better in this case given the large number of errors that OCR
produces. I will let you know when I hear back from my friend.
