From: Óskar Guðlaugsson
Message: 282
Date: 2000-12-07
> the website is great! Keep up with the great work. The Visual Aidsare
> very nice though not necessarily crucial. One should be able to getthe
> same info from the lessons. But they may be a good help to many ofus.
> Did you two develop this course by yourselves or is it an alreadycompliments.
> existing program? If the first thing is the case take my
> You must be professional language teachers then (if not you canstart to
> work as professionals right away!)That's *very* nice to hear :) Truth is, I'm barely out of college
> That's funny: we have exactly the same colloquial term in Germanmeaning
> the same thing ("da liegt der Hund begraben")Really? That probably means that Icelandic got it from Danish which