Óskar Guðlaugsson wrote:
> Please, don't be shy! Tell us what you think, privately or on list :)
Heill Óskar,
the website is great! Keep up with the great work. The Visual Aids are
very nice though not necessarily crucial. One should be able to get the
same info from the lessons. But they may be a good help to many of us.
Did you two develop this course by yourselves or is it an already
existing program? If the first thing is the case take my compliments.
You must be professional language teachers then (if not you can start to
work as professionals right away!)
In another mail you wrote:
> "Which is where the dog lies buried"
> (silly Icelandic phrase that came to mind - it
> means "which is the problem we're facing" :)
That's funny: we have exactly the same colloquial term in German meaning
the same thing ("da liegt der Hund begraben")
Greetings and best wishes,
Kurt Oertel