From: mikewww7
Message: 71822
Date: 2014-10-24
Dr. Hammer said, "Hg R1b has not yet been found in ancient European contexts prior to a Bell Beaker burial from Germany (4.8-4.0 kya), and the related R1a lineage has a first known occurrence in a Corded Ware burial also from Germany (4.6 kya). The late introduction of these paternal lineages, which now predominate in Europe corresponds to the autosomal signal of the Asian/Eastern European steppe invaders into western Europe.
The different timing and extent of NYR and mtDNA discontinuities may reflect sex-specific processes such as the wholesale replacement of farming men by men with horses and swords."
European R1b is found most heavily in former Celtic lands but also Italic lands and to some degree mixed with R1a in Germanic lands. R1a is also found heavily in Slavic speaking territories and into Central Asia moving south to India.
Mike W
--- In, "Richard Wordingham" wrote:
> R1b looks south- and west-European, rather than IE. Just to confuse things, R1b is Caucasian and is strong in Armenian, and might even have been significant amongst Hattic speakers!
> The IE Y-haplotype is R1a1a (not a stable name), but the association peters out in speakers of Germanic and Southern Slavic, and is strongly missing for Celtic, Italic, Albanian, Greek and Armenian. R1a1a evidence might be interpreted as supporting the out-of-India expansion of IE! However, there is also an interpretation as an outrageous coincidence.
> Richard.