Re: Why there is t- in German tausend "thousand"?

From: Bhrihskwobhloukstroy
Message: 71632
Date: 2013-11-26

2013/11/26, dgkilday57@... <dgkilday57@...>:
> > *Bhr.: (...) "nhd.
> Traube (...) Grundbedeutung wahrscheinlich »Klumpen«. (...)
> Wahrscheinlich zu idg. trup (Weiterbildung zu tru [...]). Vgl. lit.
> trupùs bröcklig, trupù trupė́ti in Brocken zerfallen (...)"
> (Wortschatz der Germanischen Spracheinheit unter Mitwirkung von
> Hjalmar S. Falk gänzlich umgearbeitet von Alf Torp (Vergleichendes
> Wörterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen von August Fick — Vierte
> Auflage — Dritter Teil), Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1909
> [573 S.], p. 195), cf. Pokorny IEW 1073 (√*treuH- in Old Slav. tryjǫ)
> : ibid. 275 √*dhreubh- gr. thrýptō ,zerreiben, zerbröckeln (...)‘
> (√*dhreuHp- in OSax. drūƀōn), therefore OHG thrūbo < PIE *truHp-ón- ≠
> OHG trūbo < PIE *dhruHbh-ón- (OHG synonyms from parallel PIE synonymic
> roots)
> DGK: You have invented a root *dhreuHbh- ex nihilo. There is no laryngeal
> in *dhreubh- as shown by the short vowel in the Greek zero-grade reflexes.

*Bhr.: for *-H- cf. *treuHp- in Gk. try:p'ao: vs. *treup- in BSl.
trup-; anyway if You don't admit *dhreuHbh- because otherwise
unattested You can consider *dhreuHp- in OSax. drūƀōn

> [DGK] Moreover the words interpreted as formed from extensions of *dhreu- involve
> casting down, breaking to pieces, crushing, etc. This is done with clusters
> of grapes, but not specifically with clusters of grapes,

*Bhr.: I can't catch the difference

> [DGK] and most of the
> actual words have no specific application to viticulture or wine-making.

*Bhr.: This holds true for *treuH- as well

> [DGK] Therefore, the connections in the EWDS are much more plausible than yours.

*Bhr.: Personal hate makes You blind