In, Lalit Mishra wrote:
> Richard and you, both are still wrong, either explanations given are wrong and to make a cover,
endorsing rule from the book of sanskrit grammar is not given.
I googled the three word sequence 'inflection svan dog' (without quotes), and the first hit I got was a page of 'A Concise Elementary Grammar of the Sanskrit Language: with Exercises, Reading Selections and a Glossary'. On that page, page 31 (§40) it saysː
«The word śvan- m. "doɡ" is inflected: śvā, śvan, śvānam, śunā, śune, śunas, śuni; śvānau, śvabhyām, śunos; pl. n.v. śvānas, acc. śunas, śvabhis, śvabhyas, śunām, śvasu;...»
If by 'the book', you mean 'Ashtadhyayi', I'm afraid I don't know my way around it.
> I see this is groups moderators are biased, they block posts uncomfortable and challanging to
conventional dogma spread in west and east.
Actually, it's hard work checking your post to check for anything we don't regard as pseudo-science or worth correcting for general education.