Re: beam, as in weavers beam

From: ufnkex
Message: 70896
Date: 2013-02-06

>Etymologically, the expression "weaver's beam" may be Common >Germanic:
>Old English webbeám
>Old High German weppiboum

cf. Warenbaum as well as Kettbaum in a Webstuhl ("loom")
(no. 6 and no. 16 respectively in the diagram):

As well as the pronunciation /ba:m/ in the Bavarian dialect
(i.e., South-East Germany + Austria) --- Bam (or Baam):

Pennsylvania "Deitsch" (USA)

In combination with Stamm, plural: Bamstämm /'baamStem/
(cf. Hochdeutsch: Baumstämme /'baumSteme/).

(Otherwise, in German, various beams are called Balken. Cf. e.g.
Schwebebalken = balance beam {in fem. gymnastics})
