Lat. gladius and Sorothaptic

From: pat
Message: 69960
Date: 2012-08-11

I think about an another word in celtic to design the sword "Kladio-= gladius"

Aeliestr- = gladiolus flower (and iris)
Breton = Elestrenn
Old Breton = Elester
Cornique = Elester
Welsh = Elestr
Irish = Feileastar

may be connect with Latin Alestrere = to dampen
but difficulty with Irish form (letter F)

and in this link :

Sword-Flag = A/eli/es(t)r- ?

so :
Aeliestr- = gladiolus flower and gladiolus = little sword (gladius) = sword = Aeliestr-

may be similarity between leef gladiolus (flower) and the blade gladius (sword) sharped leef ?

may be connect with Latin Alestrere = to dampen
but difficulty with Irish form (letter F)