Unambiguously domesticated horses dicovered in Al-Magar petroglyphs

From: The Egyptian Chronicles
Message: 69656
Date: 2012-05-20

Al-Magar is located in an area situated between the municipalities of Tathleeth and Wadi Al Dawasir, about 120 km away from Wadi Al Dawasir. Al-Magar site lies amid the low hills and sandy valleys of southwestern Saudi Arabia, which until 4000 or 5000 years ago was as verdant as African savannah today.  
On March, 2010, SCTA started site survey and exploration after the site was reported by Saudi citizen.

Man either settled this area before desertification time, or during climate tremendous changes which ended up with the large spread of desert through the region. It is believed that such natural transformation was the main reason for man to live in this area, practicing agriculture and animal husbandry.

Archeological items of different kinks and uses are spread all over side's surface including arrow heads, precisely-made stone scrapers similar to those man used during the Neolithic. The site "Al Magar Civilization" has been named after Al Magar the present name of the location.

Several statues of domesticated animals were found on the site, are believed to be part of inhabitants' daily life. The animal included horses, sheep, goats, Saluki dogs, ostriches, falcons, and fish.

Gathered material and results of carbon-dating test indicated that the Neolithic was the last period in which man had lived in this site before 9000 year ago, and to which date back stone tools that were picked from site's surface.
