Re: Ligurian

From: patrick cuadrado
Message: 69560
Date: 2012-05-10

Kass- = Hairy
Old Irish Cas = Curly
Latin Caesarie = Hair and Cassis (Helmet ) and Cassita (Skylark tufted) Italian Cesto = Tuft
Grec Kotsida = Tress
Osque Casnar = Old>white haired
Macedonian Kosa = Hair
Romanian Cosita = Tress
Serbo-Croatian = Kaciga = Helmet
Tchec = Kader = Curly
Ukrainian = Koca = Tress
Albanian = Kaçurrel = = Curly
Bulgarian = Koca/Kosa = Pompon
See Old English Hassuc>English Hassock
and may be Celtic Cass-ano = Oak = the leafy one
? something to connect with IE Kadh- to cover/to protect ?
Kass-<>Kast- = to hate
Old Breton Cas/Cassat
Cornique Câs/Casa
Welsh Cas/Casaf/Casineb/
Old Irish Cais
Germanic Khatis> Gotic Hatan> Old English Hatian> English Hate. German Hassen.Deutsch Haten. Frisian Hate. Norse Hata. Old Suedish Haton. Danish Hade
Lituanian Kaistu On Fire
Latin Casti-gare = to punish
Grec ? Kedos = Problem/Pain
Sanskrit Kasti/Kasta = Naughty/Misfortune
and celtic name tribe
* Badio-casses <> Batio-casse = with fatal hate Welsh Bad (Death/Epidemic) and Irish Bath (Agony
* Du-ro-casses = with a lot (ro-) of bad (du-) hate = full of hate cf personal name Du-Carius = Ill-loved
* Su-casses = very(Su-) + Hate see Old Breton Hegas = Hateful
* Tri-casses/Tri-castini = Tri<>Tr(e)i = to go through by hate = full of hate
* Uidu-casses = people who knows (Uidu- = Knowledge) the hate
* Uelio-casse = ?
may be connexion with Kass-/Kast- = to hate and Katu- = Battle

mon blog/mes oeuvres ici
Arthur Unbeau

--- En date de : Mer 9.5.12, Bhrihskwobhloukstroy <bhrihstlobhrouzghdhroy@...> a écrit :

De: Bhrihskwobhloukstroy <bhrihstlobhrouzghdhroy@...>
Objet: Re: [tied] Ligurian
Date: Mercredi 9 mai 2012, 22h56

2012/5/9, Tavi <oalexandre@...>:
> --- In, Bhrihskwobhloukstroy
> <bhrihstlobhrouzghdhroy@...> wrote:
>>     What's wrong with cass < *kwösto- (Stokes – Bezzenberger
> 1894:
>> 57): Lat. qua:lus < *kwös-lo-s (alternative - or, better,
>> complementary - etymology to *kwat-slo-s, de Vaan 2008: 504), see
>> Pokorny 1959: 635, Schrijver 1991: 462, Mallory - Adams 1997: 52?
>> Tavi:
> Matasovic^ links the Irish word to the Gaulish anthroponym Cassi- and
> the ethnonym -casses, which H. Birkan (quoted by Delamarre) thinks means
> 'having curly hair', a Celto-Germanic isogloss (Germanic *xazda- > Old
> Norse haddr 'long hair of woman'). However, for Cassi- Patrizia de
> Bernardo proposes the meaning 'tin', which Delamarre extends by
> methonymy to 'bronze'. Anyway, there're no traces of a labiovelar here.

I too know all this. My question still is: what's wrong with cass : qua:lus?
I infer that nothing is wrong, so we can have here again a case of
merging of etyma into an Irish word

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