From: stlatos
Message: 68431
Date: 2012-01-27
>Considering that vi:s < * weys < * wels < * well+s < * well < * wels < * weLs has been proposed, for paelex L; I'd say:
> --- In, "dgkilday57" <dgkilday57@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Without knowing the exact details of the soundlaws which governed borrowing, I still find it implausible (i.e. unprincipled) that an IE word with four consonants would enter Arabic (or any Semitic language) with only three. Note for example Hebrew <pilleges> 'courtesan, concubine' which is identical to Doric <pallax>, Latin <paelex>, etc. The ultimate source is unknown, but Hebrew-speakers did not squeeze out one consonant in order to fit the triliteral system. Plenty of words in Sem. lgs. exist outside the triliteral system.
> >
> In my notes it's:
> pilleges^ \ pileges^ Heb;
> supposedly borrowed from:
> pallakís G;
> prob. through Phoenician.
> The source is PIE * pYaLt.í:x pYaLt.ík+ > * pYaLr.ík+, pYaLr.ikó+ \ etc. (the same as * pYLt.ó+ > * pYut.ó+ = small _ / boy / etc.).