From: stlatos
Message: 67952
Date: 2011-08-03
> --- In, "stlatos" <stlatos@> wrote:Most languages show the form with opt. ps > pF , etc. Usually, pF > pxW , and so is often invisible from studying one language by itself.
> > Does anyone know the standard explanation (or any) for why Pashto ps.a \ px.a 'foot' contains s. ?
> >
> Since there's also alt. in Khowàr pòng = foot ; KAmvíri pr.ó~ = foot of cow/horse < * p(r.)ANkÀ ; and in Nuristani there's opt. s. > r. (as in pir.í Sa; pr.ía = vagina Kv; < * piiz.-d.ó+ < * psixY-d.ó+ = swollen ) ; I'd say ps.a < * pYs.ed*+ < * pYis.ed*+ < * pYised*+ = impression / imprint > foot print / footstep (as in Skt pi:d.- = press ) .