Re: Pekkanen on Sitones

From: Torsten
Message: 67813
Date: 2011-06-20

--- In, "Torsten" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> >
> > As for Sithones, en.wikipedia says:
> >
> > <<Sithones (Greek: Σίθωνες) is the name of a Thracian tribe[1].
> >
> > References
> >
> > 1. ^ The central Balkan tribes in pre-Roman times: Triballi,
> > Autariatae, Dardanians, Scordisci and Moesians,ISBN-9025607934,
> > page 69, by Fanula Papazoğlu, 1978, "were directed against the
> > Thracian coast. The Greeks came into contact with the ...
> > says that "the outstanding Thracian tribes were the Sithones">>
> >
> > Is this a mistake?
> Detschew
> Die thrakischen Sprachreste
> 'σίθωνες, Sithonii, Sithones, Stamm südlich von Olynthos auf den
> beiden Halbinseln der Chalkidike Pallene (jetzt Kassandra) und
> Sitho­nia (jetzt Longos);
> σίθων (gen. σίθωνος und σίθονος), Sithon dessen Heros eponymos;
> σιθωνίη, σιθωνία, σιθονία dessen Land mit der angeblichen Stadt
> Sithone;
> σιθώνιος, σιθόνιος, Sithonius, σιθωνίς, σιθονίς, Sithŏnis, die
> dazugehörigen Adjektiva;
> Sitoni, Sithonia gens, derselbe Stamm, der angeblich an der Küste
> des Pontos wohnte.
> - 1.
> Conon. narr. 32: βασιλε`υς δ` `η~ν ´ο κλι~τος σώφρων κα`ι δίκαιος
> σιθώνων θρα,κίου `έθνους.
> Strab. 7, frg. 11: `ηδωνο`ι δ`ε κα`ι βισάλται τ`ην λοιπ`ην μέχρι
> στρυμόνος. ´ω~ν ο´ι μ`εν α`υτ`ο του~το προσ­ηγορεύοντο βισάλται,
> `ηδωνω~ν δ` ο´ι μ`εν μιγδόνες, ο´ι δ`ε +`ήδωνες (Appar. crit.
> `ώδονεσ?), ο´ι δ`ε σίθωνες. τούτων δ`ε πάντων ο´ι `αργεάδαι
> καλούμενοι κατέστησαν κύριοι - - - `επη~λθον δ`ε κα`ι χαλκιδει~ς ο´ι
> `εν ε`υβοία, `επ`ι τ`ην τω~ν σιθώνων κα`ι συνώκισαν πόλεις `εν
> α`υτη,~ περ`ι τριά­κοντα, `εξ ´ω~ν ´ύστερον `εκβαλλόμενοι συνη~ληον
> ε`ις μίαν ο´ι πλείονς α`υτω~ν, ε`ις τ`ην `όλυνθον.
> Schol. in Dion. Per. 323: `άρχονται (ο´ι θρήϊκες) μ`εν `απ`ο
> μακεδονίας ´ομου~ κα`ι παιονίας. κα`ι παρατείνουσιν `άχρι σκυυίας,
> ο`ικου~σι δ`ε τ`α μ`εν ´ήμερα μακεδόνες, τ`α δ`ε τραχέα σκύθαι.
> `επιφανη~ δ`ε `έθνη ε`ισ`ι σιθωνες, τριβαλλοι, βίστονες κα`ι τ`α
> ´όμοια.
> Lycophr. 1406: α´ί τε σιθώνων πλάκες παλληνία τ` `άρουρα.
> Hor. carm. 1, 18, 9: monet Sithoniis non levis Euhius.
> Ovid. Fasti 3, 719: Sithŏnas (als Adjektiv) et Scythicos ---
> narrare triumphos.
> - 2.
> Conon. narr. 10: ´ως σίθων ´ο ποσειδω~νος κα`ι `όσσης, ´ο τη~ς
> θρα,κίας χερρονήσου βασιλεύς, γεννα,~ θυγατέρα παλλήνην `εκ
> μενδηίδος νύμφησ· ´`ην πολλω~ν μνηστευομένων `α~θλον `έκειτο τω,~
> μάχη, κρατήσαντι σίθωνος κα`ι τ`ην κόρην `έχειν κα`ι τήν βασιλείαν.
> Parth. narr. 6: λέγεται <γ`ε> κα`ι σίθωνα, τ`ον `οδομάντων βασιλέα
> γεννη~σαι θυγατέρα παλλήνην, καλήν τε κα`ι `επίχαριν.
> Nonn.
> 48, 218: ο`ύ σε διδάξω σιθόνος `εχθρ`ον `έρωτα;
> 48, 185: βάκχος - - - σιθόνα μ`εν πρήνιξε;
> 48, 226: σιθόνος ο`υ μεθέπεις χθόνιον γένος.
> Eust. zu Dion. Per. 327: παλλήνη, πόλις θρά,κης, `απ`ο παλλήνης
> θυγατρ`ος σίθων`ος.
> Steph. Byz. 497, 12: παλλήνη πόλις θρά,κης, `απ`ο παλλήνης τη~ς
> σίθωνος μ`εν θυγατρ`ος κλείτου δ`ε γυναι­κός, ´ως ´ηγήσιππος `εν
> τοι~ς παλληνιακοι~ς.
> Gellius 14, 6, 4: Thracia ante Sithon dicta est.
> Ovid. Metam. 4, 280: ambiguus fuerit modo vir, modo femina Sithon.
> - 3.
> Hdt. 7, 122: `έπλεε `απιέμενος `ες τ`ον θερμαά~ον κόλπον, κάμπτων
> δ`ε `άμπελον τ`ην τορωναίην `άκρην παρα­μείβετο `ελληνίδας τάσδε
> πόλις, `εκ τω~ν νέας τε κα`ι στρατι`ην παρε­λάμβανε, τορώνην,
> γαληψόν, σερμύλην, μηκνβερναν, `όλυνθον· ´η μέν νυν χώρη α´ύτη
> σιθωνίη καλέεται.
> Steph. Byz.
> 491, 16: `όλυνθος, πό­λις θρά,κης πρ`ος τη,~ σιθωνία τη~ς μακεδονίασ;
> 441, 19: μελανδία, χώρα σιθωνίας. θεόπομπος τριακοστω,~ τρίτω,
> φιλιππικω~ν.
> Schol. zu Lycophr.
> 495: σιθονίη, (nach Euphorion).
> Conon. narr. 4: κα`ι βράγγας ´ο `αδελφ`ος πολλ`α κατολοφυρόμενος
> τ`ην συμφορ`αν `όλυνθον, ´ω~περ `ετελεύτησε τόπω, θάπτει, ε`ις
> σιθονίαν δ`ε `αφικόμενος πόλιν `έκτισεν ε`υδαίμονα κα`ι μεγάλην,
> `όλννθον α`υτ`ην `απ`ο τον παιδ`ος `ονομάσας.
> Plin. ΝH 4, 38: Acanthus, Stagira, Sithone.
> - 4.
> Steph. Byz. 566, 14: σιθωνία, μέρος θρά,κης, τ`ο `εθνικ`ον σιθώνιος
> κα`ι σιθωνίη.
> Nonn.
> 2, 220: σιθωνίης χιονώδεος `αρχ`ος `αρούρησ;
> 37, 159: σιθονίην ´άρπυιαν;
> 48, 113: σιθονίς - - - κούρη;
> 22, 179: σιθωνίδι λόγχη,;
> 13, 336: σιθωνίδα νύμφην.
> Verg. Ecl. 10, 66: Sīthŏniasque nives.
> Hor. carm. 3, 26, 10: Memphin carentem Sīthŏnia nive.
> Ovid. Metam. 6, 588: Sīthŏniae celebrare nurus;
> Heroid. 11, 13: Ille Noto Zephy­roque et Sīthonio Aquiloni imperat;
> Am. 3, 7, 8: bracchia Sithonia candidiora nive;
> Heroid. 2, 6: Sithŏnis unda.
> - 5.
> Plin. NH 4, 41: aversa eius (= Haenai) et in Histrum devexa Moesi,
> Getae, Aedi, Scaugdae, Clariaeque et sub iis Arraei Sarmatae quos
> Areates vo­cant, Scythaeque et circa Ponti litora Moriseni
> Sithonique, Orphei vatis genitores, optinent.
> Bolin. 10, 8: Ponticum litus Sithonia gens obtinet, quae natio ibi
> Orpheo vate inter principes iudicatur, quem sive sacrorum sive
> cantuum secreta in Sperchivo promuntorio agi­tasse tradunt.
> Mart. Cap. 6, 656: Pontum Sithonia gens habet, quae gloriam Orphei
> progeniti vatis perfectione sortita est; nam in Sperchio promuntorio
> ille vitam aut sacris impendit aut fidibus.
> Die bei Plin. ΝH 4, 41 erwähnten Sitoni gehören wohl in die
> Chalkidike, wie dies ganz richtig von WT. Thr. I 37 bemerkt worden
> ist. Dasselbe gilt auch von der bei Solin, 10, 8 und Mart. Cap. 6,
> 656 erwähnten Sithonia gens.'
> and
> 'γαλαιοι Stamm an der kikonischen Küste;
> γαλλαϊκή dessen Gebiet.
> -1. Meritt, Athen. trib. 1, 252-253: γαλαιοι (436-421 vor Chr.).
> -2. Hdt 7, 108: ´η δ`ε χώρη α´ύτη (bei Mesembria am Ägäischen Meere)
> πάλαι μεν `εκαλέετο γαλλαϊκή, νυ~ν δ`ε βριαντική.
> WT. Thr. Ι 43 vergleicht γαληψός an der sithonischen und edonischen
> Küste und γαλλήσιον `όρος und πόλις `εφέσου Strab. 14, 1, 27 und
> Steph. Byz. 197, 19.
> Zur Wz. gal-, bzw. ghal- in
> abr. gal „Macht, Können",
> abg. golĕm „groß, hoch".
> Galatum, siehe κάλλατις.
> γάληψος, Galepsus Ort
> mit Einwohnern γαλήψιοι.
> -1. Stadt zwischen Torone und Sermylia in Sithonia.
> Hdt 7, 122: (´ο ναυτικός στρατός) παραμείβετο τάσδε πόλις, `εκ τω~ν
> νέας τε κα`ι στρατιήν παρελάμβανε, τορώνην, γαληψόν, σερμύλην,
> μηκύβερναν, `όλυνθον· ´η μ`εν νυ~ν χώρη α´ύτη σιθωνίη καλέεται.
> -2. Edonische Veste gegenüber Thasos nahe an Oisyme.
> Steph. Byz. 197, 11: γαληψός, πόλις θρά,κης και παιάνων, ´εκαται~ος
> ε`υρώπη,. θουκυδίδης τετάρτη, (c. 107) ´ετέραν λέγει 'κα`ι γαληψ`ος
> ο`υ πολλω,~ ´ύστερον κα`ι ο`ισύμη.' - - - ´ο πολίτης γαλήψιος.
> Thuc. 5, 6, 1: ´ο δ`ε κλέων - - - γαληψ`ον δ`ε τ`ην θασίων `αποκίαν
> λαμβάνει κατ`α κράτος.
> Harpokr.: γαληψόσ· `αντιφω~ν κατ`α λαισποδίου, πόλις θρά,κης, ´ως
> ο´ι τ`ας περιόδους γεγραφότες φασίν. `ωνομάσθη δ`ε `απ`ο γαληψου~
> του~ `εκ θάσου κα`ι τηλέφης, ´ως μαρσύας ´ο νεώτερος `εν πέμπτω,
> μακεδονιχω~ν.
> Strab. 7 frg. 35: ε`ι~τα γαληψ`ς κα`ι `απολλωνία, κατεσκαμμέναι
> ´υπ`ο φιλίππου.
> Hesych. γάμψηλοι (d. h. γάληψος), πόλις μαχεδονίας.
> Meritt. Athen. trib. 1, 252-253: γαληψιοι (454-417 vor Chr.).
> Liv. 44, 45, 14:. (accus.) Galepsum.
> Kaum richtig vergleicht Jokl EKL 13, 294 die preußische Landschaft
> Galindo und lit. gãlas „Ende" und deutet den ON als „der am Ende, an
> der Küste be­findliche Ort".
> γαλλαϊκή, siehe γαλαιοι.'
> *gal- and *sithon- recurs among the Northern Bastarnae. We may
> tentatively conclude that this Thracian tribe was identical to the
> Bastarnian one.

Tuomo Pekkanen
The Ethnic Origin of the Î"ουλοσπόροι
pp 83-93

'THEIR (the Sithones') TRIBES

In his Germania, Tacitus uses the word gens not only of tribal groups but also of separate tribes, i. e. in the same meaning as natio.1 It is quite clear that the expression Sithonum gentes implies that the group known by the name Sithones was divided into parts; each of which consisted of one gens (= natio) 'tribe'. Since I hold the view that the Sithones dwelt on the eastern frontier of Suebia between the Lugii and the Venethi,2 their different tribes may be found in other literary sources describing this geographical area.

Much has established that Tacitus derived his information about the Peucini (Germ. 46, 1) from a source which must have been the same as that on which Strabo (7, 3, 17) relied when speaking of the Bastarnae.3 This conclusion is based on the fact that both the authors express a similar doubt as to the ethnic origin of the Bastarnae. Much, however, did not associate the names Sithones - σιδόνες, which must also be derived from the common source of Strabo and Tacitus. When we compare the passages in question in extenso, the striking similarities between them show in a convincing manner that the Sithones and the Sidones cannot be separated from one another:

Str. 7, 3, 17
`εν δ`ε τη̣̃ μεσογαία̣ *βαστάρναι* μ`εν τοι̃ς τυρεγέταις ´όμοροι, κα`ι *γερμανοι̃ς*, σχεδόν τι κα`ι α`υτο`ι του̃ *γερμανικου* γένους `όντες, ε`ις πλείω φυ̃λα διη̣ρημένοι. κα`ι γ`αρ `άτμονοί λέγονταί τινες κα`ι *σιδόνες*, ´οι δε τ`ην πεύκην κατασχόντες τ`ην `εν τω̣̃ `ίστρω νη̃σον *πευκι̃νοι*, ´ρωξολανο`ι δ` `αρκτικώτατοι τ`α μεταξύ τον τανάιδος κα`ι τον βορυσθένους νεμόμενοι πεδία.
"In the interior dwell, first, those Bastarnians whose country borders on that of the Tyregetans and Germans - they also being, one might say, of Germanic stock; and they are divided up into several tribes, for a part of them are called Atmoni and Sidoni, while those who took possession of Peuce, the island in the Ister, are called "Peucini," whereas the "Roxolani" (the most northerly of them all) roam the plains between the Tanaïs and the Borysthenes."
Tac. Germ. 45,6 - 46,1
Suionibus S i t h o n u m gentes continuantur. cetera similes uno differunt, quod femina dominatur: in tantum non modo a libertate sed etiam a servitute degenerant.
Hic Suebiae finis. Peucinorum Venethorumque et Fennorum nationes Ger­manis an Sarmatis ascribam dubito. quamquam P e u c i n i, quos quidam B a s­ t a r n a s vocant, sermone cultu, sede ac domiciliis ut G e r m a n i agunt.
"Bordering on the Suiones are the nations of the Sitones. They resemble them in all respects but one - woman is the ruling sex. This is the measure of their decline, I will not say below freedom, but even below decent slavery.
Here Suebia ends. I do not know whether to class the tribes of the Peucini, Venedi, and Fenni with the Germans or with the Sarmatians. The Peucini, however, who are sometimes called Bastarnae, are like Germans in their language, manner of life, and mode of settlement and habitation."

When comparing the passages particular attention should be paid to the fact that the Sidones of Strabo are placed, like the Sithones of Tacitus, before the Peucini. Three of the names (Peucini, Germani, Bastarnae) in Strabo and Tacitus are the same. I am fully convinced that in the fourth pair (Sithones - σιδόνες) the names must also be identical.

Phonetically, the names Sithones - σιδόνες can easily be equated. They are in the same relation to each other as Tac. Germ. 46, 1-2 and Iord. Get. 119 Venethi to Plin. nat. 4, 97 Venedi and Ptol. Geog. 3, 5, 7 ο`υενέδαι, both forms of which may be considered original.

That fact that Strabo classes the Sidones among the Bastarnae is not an impediment to equating the names Sithones - σιδόνες. The truth is that Strabo is the only author who divides the Bastarnae into separate tribes with different names.4 The tribes classed by Strabo as Bastarnae mostly ap­pear in the other sources as separate from this group. The `άτμονοι, a name otherwise unknown, have been identified by Schütte with the `ομανοί of Ptolemy and the Manimi of Tacitus,5 tribes which according to these authors belong to the Lugian group.6 Apart from in Strabo and Tacitus, the Sidones also appear in Valerius Flaccus and Ptolemy.7 Only Valerius, however, is aware of the connection between them and the Bastarnae, whereas Ptolemy mentions them separately, although he also knows of the Bastarnae.8 Nevertheless, the Ptolemaic and Strabonian Sidones are regarded as the same tribe.9 As for the Peucini, only Pliny apart from Strabo and Tacitus connects them with the Bastarnae, but not even in this case is it clear whether Pliny thought that the Peucini belonged to the Bastarnae or were a separate tribe.10 The identity of the names Sithones - σιδόνες (σίδονες) need not, however, imply that *all* the tribes of the Sithones are to be identified with the Sidones of Strabo, Ptolemy, and Valerius Flaccus. This is already im­probable by reason of the fact that according to Strabo the Sidones were only one part of the Bastarnae, a large group divided into several tribes (ε`ις πλείω φυ̃λα διη̣ρημένοι). It is also evident from the Ptolemaic passage that his σίδονες were only one among other tribes, not a group of tribes. On the other hand, it should be noticed that Tacitus does not say anything about different tribes when discussing the Peucini, quos quidam Ba­starnas vocant. In these circumstances it seems to me that the many tribes (πλείω φυ̃λα) into which the Bastarnae were divided according to Strabo, in the account of Tacitus are for the most part included in the group of the Sithones, in other words Sithonum gentes = βαστάρναι . . . ε`ις πλείω φυ̃λα διη̣ρημένοι, with the exception of the Peucini and the Atmoni. From the wording of Strabo λέγονται τίνες it is evident that the `άτμονοι, σιδόνες, πενκι̃νοι are only examples of the Bastarnic tribes and that Strabo knew well that there were more of them than the three he mentions. In another passage Strabo expressly points out that it was only in his own time that the Bastarnae had become better known in the Graeco-Roman world:
2, 5, 12
μάλιστα δ` ο´ι vυ̃v `άμεινον `έχοιεν `άν τι λέγειν περ`ι τω̃ν κατ`α βρεττανο`υς κα`ι γερμανο`υς κα`ι το`υς περ`ι τ`ον `ίστρον τούς `τε `εντ`ος κα`ι το`υς `εκτός, γέτας τε κα`ι τυρεγέτας κα`ι βαστάρνας, `έτι δ`ε το`υς περ`ι τ`ον καύκασον, ο´ι̃ον `αλβανο`υς κα`ι `ίβηρας.
"In particular the writers of the present time can give a better account of the Britons, the Germans, the peoples both north and south of the Ister, the Getans, the Tyregetans, the Bastarnians, and, furthermore, the peoples in the regions of the Caucasus, such as the Albanians and the Iberians."
With regard to the tribes living beyond Germany, he says that they were called Bastarnae by most people, but it was not easy to determine whether this was so:
7, 2, 4
τί δ` `εστ`ι πέραν τη̃ς γερμανίας κα`ι τί τω̃ν `άλλων τω̃ν ´εξη̃ς, ε`ίτε βαστάρνας χρ`η λέγειν, ´ως ο´ι πλείους ´υπονοου̃σιν, ε`ίτ` `άλλους μεταξ`υ `η` `ιάζυγας `η` ´ρωξολανο`υς `ή τινας `άλλους τω̃ν ´αμαξοίκων ου ´ρά̣διον ε`ιπει̃ν· ο`υδ` ε`ι μέχρι του̃ `ωκεανου̃ παρήκουσι παρ`α πα̃ν τὸ μη̃κος, `ή εστί τι `αοίκητον ´υπ`ο ψύχους `η` `άλλης α`ιτίας, `η` ε`ι κα`ι γένος `ανθρώπων `άλλο διαδέχεται μεταξ` τη̃ς θαλάττης κα`ι τω̃ν ´εώ̣ων γερμανω̃ν ´ιδυμένον. του̃το δ`ε τ`ο α`υτ`ο `αγνόημα κα`ι περ`ι τω̃ν `άλλων τω̃ν `εφεξη̃ς προσαρκτίων `έλεγεν ο`ύτε γ`αρ το`υς βαστάρνας ο`ύτε το`υς σαυρομάτας κα`ι απλώς το`υς ´υπ`ερ του̃ πόντου ο`ικου̃ντας `ίσμεν, ο`ύθ` ´οπόσον `απέχουσι τη̃ς `ατλαντικη̃ς θαλάττης, ο`ύθ` ε`ι συνάπτουσιν α`υτη̣̃.
"but what is beyond Germany and what beyond the countries which are next after Germany - whether one should say the Bastarnae, as most writers suspect, or say that others lie in between, either the Iazyges, or the Roxolani, or certain other of the wagon-dwellers - it is not easy to say; nor yet whether they extend as far as the ocean along its entire length, or whether any part is uninhabitable by reason of the cold or other cause, or whether even a different race of people, succeeding the Germans, is situated between the sea and the eastern Germans. And this same ignorance prevails also in regard to the rest of the peoples that come next in order on the north; for I know neither the Bastarnae, nor the Sauromatae, nor, in a word, any of the peoples who dwell above the Pontus, nor how far distant they are from the Atlantic Sea, nor whether their countries border upon it"
It is evident from this statement that according to the information gathered by Strabo there were different opinions as to which tribes should be classed among the Bastarnae and which not. If we presume that Tacitus supplemented the common source he shared with Strabo with later information, we could conclude that the connection between the northern and southern tribes of the Bastarnae, which in Strabo's time was still thought to exist, had definitely been broken during the first century A.D. Strabo's words in 7, 2, 4 show that this connection, although it was generally accepted (cf. ´ως ο´ι πλείους ´υπονοου̃σιν), was not undisputed even among his contemporaries.

Although the identity of the Sithones and Sidones has been pointed out earlier in passing,11 this suggestion has been rejected on very superficial grounds.12 I think the principal mistake that has been made over these names is that both of them have been separately transferred to a modern map - the Sithones to Scandinavia, the Sidones too far to the south - and these transferences, not the accounts of Tacitus and Strabo themselves, have been compared with each other. When we put our sources together, we are in a position to define the habitat, not only of the Sithones-Sidones but also of the Bastarnae more accurately than has been possible hitherto. From Tacitus we know that the northernmost tribe of this group extended to the neigh­bourhood of the Suiones living on the southern Baltic coast; the account of Strabo, supplemented by that of Ptolemy, allows us to establish that the southern part of them dwelt near the `άτμονοι (= Ptol. Geog. 2, 11, 10 `ομανοί, Tac. Germ. 43, 2 Manimi), not far from the source of the river Vistula.

From the short reference by Valerius Flaccus nothing definite can be gathered about the location of the Sithones-Sidones. The Geography of Ptolemy, however, being the most systematical description in ancient litera­ture of the area occupied by them, deserves more attention than it has so far been given in this connection. As the Sidones in Ptol. Geog. 2, 11, 10 scarcely cover more than the southernmost part of the whole group mentioned by Tacitus, it is most probable that Ptolemy mentioned by separate names most of those tribes that Tacitus includes in the Sithonum gentes. It is, how­ever, very difficult to establish which of the numerous tribal names menti­oned by Ptolemy between the Baltic coast and the upper Vistula might be connected with the Sithones. It is a characteristic feature of Ptolemy's geo­graphical work that the same tribes are often mentioned in it by names which differ slightly from each other. These repeated references are due to the fact that the author did not take the trouble to examine whether barbarian names re-appearing in his different sources were identical or separate. This has been particularly stressed by Schütte, who holds the view that half of Ptolemy's Germanic details can be proved to be duplication or triplication of this kind and that two thirds of the names along the northern coast of Sarmatia Europium have been transplanted thither from southern regions.13 Schütte did not, how­ever, point to any duplicate for the name of the Ptolemaic Sidones. On the contrary Schwarz has suggested that Ptol. Geog. 2, 11, 7 σιδινοί (var. σιδηνοί, σειδινοί, σειδηνοί, σιδεινοί) might refer to the Sidones, who, according to him, originated from Northern Germany.14 Rather than this suggestion I would prefer Schütte's opinion that σιδινοί is only a trans­ferred repetition of Ptol. Geog. 3, 5, 9 σουδινοί (var. σουδηνοί).15 Stichte­noth connects the σιδινοί directly with the Tacitean Sithones.16 This im­plies that the Sithones and the Aestii were located near the river Oder, an arbitrary guess based only on the phonetic similarity of the two names. In Geog. 2, 11, 10 immediately before the σίδονες, Ptolemy mentions λου̃γοι ´οι βου̃ροι and after them the κόγνοι. These two tribes are commonly regarded as identical to the Buri and Cotini in Tac. Germ. 43, I,17 and there­fore they cannot have any connection with the Sithones, which otherwise might be presumed from the context. In these circumstances it does not seem possible to find out which names mentioned by Ptolemy from the region around the upper Vistula - in addition to the σίδονες themselves - might have reference to the southern tribes of the Sithones.

Ptolemy does not mention the Aestii. K. Müller18 already paid attention to the fact that Ptolemy19 located the ο`υενέδαι along the same coast that, according to Tacitus, was occupied by the Aestii. From this A. Senn has drawn the conclusion that »there is only one solution to the problem, namely, the amber-fishing Aestii of Tacitus are called ο`υενέδαι by Ptolemy»20 and I can see no reason to disagree with him. Since I hold the view that the Sithones, according to the geographical order in Tacitus' Germania, must be placed to the south of the Suiones living among the Aestii along the Baltic coast, their separate tribes may also be found among the tribes enumerated by Ptolemy south of the ο`υενέδαι:

Ptol. Geog. 3, 5, 8
`ελάττονα δ`ε `έθνη νέμεται τ`ην σαρματίαν παρ`α μ`εν τ`ον ο`υϊστουλαν ποταμ`ον ´υπ`ο τους ο`υενέδας *γύθωνες*, ε`ι̃τα *φίννοι*, ε`ι̃τα *σούλωνες*· ´υφ` ο´`υς *φρουγουδίωνες*, ε`ι̃τα *α`υαρινο`ι* παρ`α τ`ην κεφαλ`ην του̃ ο`υϊστούλα ποταμου̃ ´υφ` ο´`υς *`όμβρωνες*, ε`ι̃τα *`αναρ­τοφράκτοι*, ε`ι̃τα *βουργίωνες*, ε`ι̃τα *`αρσιη̃ται*, ε`ι̃τα *σα­βω̃κοι*, ε`ι̃τα *πιενγι̃ται* κα`ι *βίεσσοι* παρ`α τ`ον καρπάτην τ`ο `όρος. 9 τω̃ν δ`ε ε`ιρημένων ε`ισ`ιν `ανατολικώτεροι ´ώπ`ο μ`εν το`υς ο`υενέδας (πάλιν) *γαλινδαι* κα`ι *σουδινο`ι* κα`ι *στανανο`ι* μέχρι τω̃ν `αλανω̃ν ´υφ` ο´υ`ς *`ιγυλλίωνες*, ε`ι̃τα *κοιστοβω̃κοι* κα`ι *τρανσμοντανοι* μέχρι τω̃ν πενκινω̃ν `ορέων.
"Lesser races inhabit Sarmatia near the Vistula river. Below the Venedae are the Gythones, then the Finni, then the Sulones; below whom are the Phrungundiones; then the Avarini near the source of the Vistula river; below these are the Ombrones, then the Anartophracti, then the Burgiones, then the Arsietae, then the Saboci, then the Piengitae and the Biessi near the Carpathian mountains. Among those we have named to the east: below the Venedae are the Galindae, the Sudini, and the Stavani, extending as far as the Alauni; below these are the Igylliones, then the Coestoboci and the Transmontani extending as far as the Peuca mountains."

The tribes dwelling to the south of the ο`υενέδαι have been divided by Ptolemy into two groups, the first consisting of twelve, the latter of six names. The γύθωνες, mentioned as the northernmost tribe of the former group, are, according to the generally accepted view, identical with the Gotones of Tac. Germ. 44, 1.21 There is, however, a difference between the accounts of the two writers in that Tacitus locates the Rugii and Lemovii between the Gotones and the Ocean, whereas Ptolemy mentions only the ο`υενέδαι between the γύθωνες and the ο`υενεδικ`ος κόλπος. The five names following the γύθωνες (φίννοι, σούλωνες, φρουγουδίωνες, α`υαρινοί, `όμβρωνες) have already been discussed above, when it was established that in fact they belonged to the Baltic coast.22 The remaining six names of this group are otherwise unknown. Since even the northernmost of them is in all probability to be connected with the Dacian `άναρτοι, Anartes in Ptol. Geog. 3, 8, 3 and Caes. Gall. 6, 25, 2 23 it is quite evident that different tribes of the Sithones cannot be distinguished in this group.

In the latter group of six names, the chances of identification with the Sithones are better. This group has been located immediately to the east of the former, its southern boundary being formed by the Mountains of the Peucini (τ`α πενκιν`α `όρη). Since Tacitus locates the Sithones between the Aestii and the Peucini, and the Ptolemaic γαλίνδαι, σουδινοί, στανανοί, `ιγυλλίωνες, κοιστοβω̃κοι, τρανσμοντανοί dwell ´υπ`ο το`υς ο`υενέδας - μέχρι τω̃ν πευκινω̃ν `ορέων, there is every reason to suppose that at least some of the Ptolemaic tribes are represented by the Sithones - provided that we accept Senn's well-founded view of the identity of the ο`υενέδαι and the Aestii. It must, however, be admitted that the Ptolemaic tribes in question may also partly be included with the Venethi, whom Tacitus mentions as northern neighbours of the Peucini. In these circumstances the connection of the southern tribes in this group with the Sithones remains rather hypothetical, but the probability of identity becomes the greater the closer we come to the baltic shore occupied by the Aestii - ο`υενέδαι, for this is the geographical starting point of both Tacitus and Ptolemy. This means that among the six Ptolemaic tribes the γαλίνδαι is the one more likely to belong to the Sithones than the others, whereas the inland tribes of σουδινοί, στανανοί, `ιγνλλίω­νες, κοιστοβω̃κοι, τρανσμοντανοί may have been either unknown to Tacitus or included by him with the Venethi.

It seems to me that the identity of the γαλίνδαι with the northernmost part of the Sithones, made plausible by the geographical order of Ptolemy com­pared with that of Tacitus, is supported by other facts concerning these two groups. It was established above that the Tacitean words Hic Suebiae finis were written across the map he used to indicate the eastern frontier of Suebia occupied by the Sithones.24 Now the Ptolemaic name γαλίνδαι is in all pro­bability identical with that of the Galindite, the Galindians,25 mentioned in 1326 by Peter of Dusburg, the chronicler of the Teutonic Order.26 In the Lau­rentian and Hypatian texts of the earliest native Russian chronicle, the Galindians appear in 1058 and 1147 in the Slavic form Goljad'.27 The etymo­logy of this name is explained by the Lithuanian word galas, 'end', and it has been translated as 'people of the frontier' ('Grenzbewohner', 'Grenzleute', 'Markmanner').28 The eastern Galindians were so named because they were the Baltic tribe farthest to the east. The western Galindians, with whom the Ptolemaic γαλίνδαι are identical, had the same name because they lived farthest to the west of the Prussian tribes.29 The western frontier of the Prussians, occupied by the γαλίνδαι, is naturally identical with the eastern frontier of Suebia, Suebiae finis, on which the Sithones were living, a fact which gives strong support to the presumed identity of these two groups. It has been suggested that the name Sithones might be derived from the German *sīðōn-'side', 'edge' ('Seite', 'Rand') and be translated as 'inhabitants of the seashore' ('Küstenbewohner').30 I think it might equally be possible to take the German word in the sense of 'side', 'border' and to translate Sithones as 'inhabitants of the border', which would be equivalent to γαλίνδαι. The name of the Sithones, if we take it to be a German one, might in that case be a translation of the Prussian name of the Galindians. Nor is the fact that the Sithones were said to have been ruled by a woman (femina dominatur) in any way incon­sistent with the above considerations. On the contrary, this decidedly con­firms the assumption that the Galindians belonged to them, for even among the latter, according to Peter of Dusburg,31 there was quaedam domina, que se­cundum ritum ipsorum sacra et prophetissa reputabatur, ad cujus imperium hujus terre facta singula regebantur. The fact that the γαλίνδαι, belonged to the Sithones is also supported by archaeological evidence. As the Romans never came into political or military contact with most of the tribes mentioned in Tac. Germ. 43-46, it is generally agreed that Tacitus' information about them must for the most part have been derived from the reports of merchants engaged in the amber trade, who traversed the route from Carnuntum to the mouth of the Vistula and Samland.32 The fact that Tacitus mentions the Sithones immedi­ately after his long account of amber may, at least to some extent, be due to their connection with amber. This is also suggested by their geographical position between the Aestii and the Peucini. Viewing matters from this stand­point it may be noticed that Ed. Šturms has connected the so-called Masurian-Germanic culture (in 550 - 570 A.D.) with the western Galindians, who according to him were »anscheinend eine Vereinigung fahrender Kaufleute, die, zunächst auf die ausgiebigen Bernsteingruben im eigenen Lande gestützt, im Laufe der Zeit den Bernsteinhandel Ostpreussens an sich gerissen haben, hierfür die Streuung ihrer Volksgenossen in Ost- und Mitteleuropa effektiv ausnützend».33 On the other hand, E. Petersen holds the view that the amber trade between the Prussian coast and Southern Europe was carried on by the Bastarnae.34 One might, of course, presume that the trade was formerly car­ried on by the Bastarnae and later taken over by the Galindians. Since the Sithones, however, being identical with the Sidones of Strabo, also represent the northern group of the Bastarnae, I think the view of Petersen coincides with that of Šturms. By placing the γαλίνδαι among the tribes of the Sithones, we may conclude that the amber merchants, at one period Bastarnae, at another Galindians, were actually of the same group in both periods: the amber trade was not taken over by the Galindians from the Bastarnae, but the γαλίνδαι of Ptolemy, part of the Sithones, already represented the northern group of the amber-trading Bastarnae. These conclusions give a most in­teresting approach to the much disputed problem of the ethnic origin of the Bastarnae, to be more closely examined in the last chapter.

The next Ptolemaic tribe after the γαλίνδαι, the σου­δινοί (var. σου­δηνοί), are generally considered identical with the Prussian Sudovians (Sudowite), mentioned by Peter of Dusburg among the neighbours of the Galindians.35 Their belonging to the Sithones remains a hypothesis based solely on their geographical position. We do not know what the bond of union between the different tribes of the Sithones was. The most plausible hypothesis is that it was at least to some extent of a religious nature.36 A common cult in itself does not necessarily imply the use of the same language, although this use naturally facilitates and promotes the spread of religious ideas. From this point of view, it is probable that among the Sithones there were other tribes that spoke the same language as the Galindians. The Ptolemaic names γαλίνδαι and σουδινοί show that Prussian tribes had had their own individual names at a very early period. Peter of Dusburg mentions ten of them and, apart from the Galindite and Sudowite, also includes the Pomesani, Pogesani, Warmienses, Nattangi, Sambite, Nadrowite, Scalowite, and Barthi with the Prussians.37 It is quite possible that some of these groups already existed in Tacitus' time, although the Sudovians and Galindians are the only individual Prussian tribes that we know by name from the ancient sources. In these circumstances, it cannot be denied that, besides the Galindians, the Sudovians and even other Prussian tribes, enumerated by Peter of Dusburg, may also have been among the tribes of the Sithones.

The third Ptolemaic tribe in the group, whose identity with the Sithones is suggested by their geographical position, is the σταυανοί (var. σταύανοι, σταυα̃νοι, σταυ̃νοι). This otherwise unknown name has been corrected by Šafařík to στλαυανοί or σλανανοί and connected with the σκλαβηνοί (< slo­věne),38 the name of the Slavs, known for the first time from Pseudo-Caesa­rius, who wrote in the beginning of the sixth century.39 Šafařík also thinks that Ptol. Geog. 6, 14, 9 σουοβηνοί is a transferred repetition of the same name. His suggestion, however, is disapproved of by Müllenhoff, who considers the σταυανοί an otherwise unknown Baltic tribe.40 Even Diels considers the views of Šafařík untenable, and writes as follows: »,Slaven' werden mit Sicherheit erst am Beginn des 6. Jh. genannt. . . Dass schon Kl. Ptolemaios (100-170 n. C.) den Namen gekannt und genannt habe, is eine blosse Vermutung, die im einen Falle eine Verderbnis des Textes (σταυανοί), im anderen (σουοβηνοί) einen groben Irrtum über die Sitze der S. voraussetzen lässt».41 In his work Die slavischen Völker (1963) Diels does not even mention these Ptolemaic names. Yet as late as 1952 Schütte undertook to defend the theory of the Slavonic origin of the σταυανοί.42 If we accept this hypothesis and at the same time also consider the στανανοί a Sithonian group, the conclusion would be that the Sithones, who represented the northern group of the Bastarnae, consisted of both Baltic and Slavonic tribes. Reflections of this kind in this connection are rather hypothetical, but in the light of the evidence presented in the last two chapters of this book they may not be wholly unjustified.

As for the `ιγυλλίωνες, `κοιστοβω̃κοι, and τρανσμοντανοί, whose habitat reached southwards to the neighbourhood of the Peucini, there remains little to say. The last of these names is certainly the Latin word transmontani and it may be considered as a generic designation for the tribes living beyond the Mountains of the Peucini, but it has, however, been misconceived as the name of a separate tribe.43 The κοιστοβω̃κοι appear in Ptol. Geog. 3, 8, 3 as a Dacian tribe.44 `ιγυλλίωνες, which is otherwise unknown, is regarded by Schütte as a repetition of Ptol. Geog. 2, 11, 9 `ελουαίωνες, Tac. Germ. 43, 2 Helvecones45 which according to Tacitus belong to the Lugian group. In these circum­stances the hypothesis of the connection of these three Ptolemaic tribes with the Sithones, although suggested by their being neighbours of the Peucini, may be rejected as resting on insufficient grounds.

1 Gerber & Greef, Lexicon Taciteum s. v. gens; cf. Much, Die Germania p. 93; Wenskus, Stam­mesbildung pp. 46 f.; Norden, Die germ. Urgeschichte pp. 314 ff.
2 See p. 64 above.
3 Germanistische Forschungen p. 15.
4 For the sources on the Bastarnae see Schönfeld, Wörterbuch pp. 44 f., 183; Heeren, De chorographia pp. 60 f.
5 Ptolemy's Maps p. 109; cf. Schwarz, Germ. St. p. 51; Wenskus, Stammesbildung p. 230 n. 590.
6 Ptol. Geog. 2, 11, 10 λου̃γοι ο´ι `ομανοί (ed. Müller), λουγοι ο´ι `ιόμαννοι (ed. Cuntz); Tac. Germ. 43, 2 (quoted on p. 103 below).
7 Val. Fl. 6, 95 ff. ast ubi Sidonicas inter pedes aequat habenas, | illinc iuratos in se trahit Aea Batarnas, | quos, duce Teutagono, crudi mora corticis armat | aequaque nec ferro brevior nec rumpia ligno; cf. Heeren loc. cit; Ptol. Geog. 2, 11, 10 ´υπ`ο τω̣̣̃ άσκιβονργίω̣ `όρει κόρκοντοι κα`ι λου̃̃γοι ο´ι βου̃̃ροι μέχρι τη̃ς κεφαλη̃ς του̃ ουιστούλα ποταμου̃· ´υπ`ο δ`ε τούτους πρω̃τοι σίδονες (var. σίδωνες, σιδω̃νες), ε`ι̃τα κόγνοι, ε`ι̃τα ο`υισβούργιοι ´υπ`ερ τ`ον `ορκύνιον δρυμόν.
8 Ptol. Geog. 3, 5, 7 κα`ι ´υπ`ερ τ`ην Î"ακίαν πευκινοί τε κα`ι βαστέρναι.
9 Schwarz, Germ. St. pp. 50 f.; Schönfeld, Wörterbuch p. 204.
10 Plin. nat. 4, 100 quinta pars Peucini, Basternae supra dictis contermini Dacis (ed. Detlefsen 1904); quinta pars Peucini, Basternae, supra dictis contermini Dacis (ed. Mayhoff 1906); cf. Chad­wick, The Origin p. 207. All the sources on the Peucini are quoted in Holder, Alt-Celtischer Sprachschatz s. v.
11 See p. 16 above.
12 Gf.
Ahlenius, Eranos 3, 1898-99, 30 »Ptolemaeus kennt die Bastarnen nur oberhalb, d. i. nördlich von Dacien (3, 5, 7). Damit stimmt aber die Angabe des Tacitus gar nicht überein; nach ihm sollten die Suionen und die Sitonen neben einander wohnen (continuantur), also beide 'ipso Oceano', d. h. im Skandinavien»;
Lundström, Xenia Lideniana p. 267 »Ett så svårt misstag som att placera ett mellan Karpaterna och Pontus boende bastarniskt folk uppe hos svearna vill man val dock knappast tilltro Tacitus, som ju på det hela taget känner germanerna synnerligen väl».
13 Ptolemy's Maps p. 29.
14 Germ. St. p. 51.
15 Op. cit. p. 103.
16 ZfdA 86, 1955-56, 177, quoted on p. 17 above.
17 Much, Die Germania pp. 474 ff.
18 Ptol. Geog. vol. I: 1, 412, 421.
19 Geog. 3, 5, 1
´ε ε`ν ε`υρώπη̣ σαρματία περιορίζεται `απ`ο μ`εν `άρκτων τω̣̃ τε σαρματικω̣̃ `ωκεανφ κατ`α τ`ον ο`υενεδικ`ον κόλπον κα`ι μέρει τη̃ς `αγνώστου γη̃ς . . .
"European Sarmatia is terminated on the north by the Sarmatian ocean adjoining the Venedicus bay and by a part of the unknown land,"
Ibid. 7
κατέχει δ`ε τ`ην σαρματίαν `έθνη μέγιστα ο´ί τε ο`υενέδαι παρ` ´όλον τ`ον ο`υενεδικ`υν κόλπον.
"The Greater Venedae races inhabit Sarmatia along the entire Venedicus bay;"
20 PCIL p. 140
21 Much, Die Germania p. 487; Schwarz, Germ. St. p. 83.
22 See pp. 49-54.
23 DA II, 82.
24 See pp. 61-63.
25 Zeuss, Die Deutschen p. 271; Kiparsky, BL I, 54; Wagner, Getica p. 90; Senn, Handbuch I, 37
26 Cronica terre Prussie, published by M. Töppen in SRP I (1861), 21-219.
27 Gimbutas, The Balts p. 28; Kiparsky, BL I, 57.
28 Vasmer, OV p. 123; idem, REW I, 290; Schmid, Alteuropa und der Osten p. 8; Gimbutas, loc. cit.; Kiparsky, loc. cit.
29 See the literature mentioned in nn. 2 - 3 above.
30 See pp. 12 f. above.
31 Cronica terre Prussie 3, 4, quoted in full on pp. 104 f. below.
32 Norden, Die germ. Urgeschichte pp. 445 ff.; Hjärne, Bernstenriddaren och Tacitus p. 14; cf. Lewis, The Northern Seas p. 37.
33 Die ethnische Deutung p. 9; cf. Spekke, Balts and Slavs p. 58; idem, The Ancient Amber Routes pp. 55 f.
34 VDS III, 902.
35 For references see p. 89 n. 4 above. For the earliest habitat of the Sudovians, cf. Gimbutas, The Balts p. 37 »The archaeological finds show that present Podlasie in eastern Poland and Polesie in western Byelo-Russia belonged to the Baltic Sudovians until the beginning of history. Only after the long wars with the Russians and Poles during the eleventh-twelwth cen­turies A.D. did the southern limits of the Sudovian tribe fall back to the River Narew line, and in the thirteenth century they even retreated as far north as the Ostrówka (Osterode)-Olsztyn (Allenstein) line».
36 This is above all suggested by the fact that the Sithonian tribes are said to be ruled by a woman, the functions of which must have been connected with religion, as will be established on pp. 100 ff. below.
37 Cronica terre Prussie 3, 3; cf. Gimbutas, The Balts pp. 22 f.
38 Slawische Alterthümer I, 308, 212.
39 DA II, 367 ff.; Rubin, RE XXIII: 1, 481 ff.
40 DA II, 21.
41 Ebert, Reallexikon XII, 273 f.
42 Classica et mediaevalia 13, 1952, 246.
43 Gf. DA II, 84 ff.; Herrmann, RE VI A, 2174.
44 Šafařík (Slawische Alterthümer I, 209 ff.) and Niederle (Slovanské Slarožitnosti I, 405 ff.) regard this name as Slavonic, but v. Premerstein (RE XI, 1505) thinks it more probable that the tribe in question was of Thracian origin. See also Detschew, Die thrakischen Sprachreste p. 256.
45 Ptolemy's Maps fig. 24; cf. DA II, 18, 22 ff.; Zeuss, Die Deutschen pp. 677, 699.'

Strabo includes the Atmoni (= Omani, Manimi) and Sithones/Sidones with the Peucini as Bastarnians, whereas Tacitus includes the Sithones among the Suebi and, together with Ptolemy, the Atmoni (if = Omani nad Manimi) among the .
As Pekkanen notes Strabo describes the state before connection was broken between Atmoni and Sidones on the one hand and Peucini on the other, and Ptolemy and Tacitus the state after, but he is not aware that the former physically moved north, which causes difficulty for him in assigning a location for them since he assumes implicitly that they were located in the same place in all three writers. Thus, his splitting up of the Sidones into several subtribes is unnecessary, and his compromise location of them east of the Lugii also. In other words, the Bastarnian tribe of the Atmoni/Omani/Manimi came to live in the lands from which Ariovistus' campaign started shortly after.


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